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Everything posted by Palfy

  1. Hi Nicolas welcome to TT, what camp are you in when it comes to Lukaku, the he's a shit player headed by Haf or the he's a good striker doing a great job in a poor team.Start posting friend and get involved the more the merrier.
  2. You talk as if he is constantly given good service from the midfield and he keeps fucking it up, he gets very little opportunities and hardly any good service from the team.The goal against Leicester is a prime example of what he has to work with, a 70 yard goal mouth clearance that he gets on the end of, again on his own no one within 50-60 yards of him, CONTROLS it is strong runs toward their goal does there main CB leaves him sat on his arse, then rounds another defender and slots it home, not many in this league who could have done that not your main man Deeney. Now in your eyes that not what a ( so called good player should do ) he should have held it up waited for his nearest player who was nearly the full length of the pitch away to join him so he could pass, fuck off your hatred of him is so great that it is really clouding your judgment and making you look a fool, the better he plays the more you hate it.UN-FUCKING BELIEVABLE.
  3. He's playing as a lone striker what's the point in useing the punt up field to someone to win in the air when there's no one near him to benefit from the knockdown.
  4. He's a striker not a midfielder why do you consider pass completions more important for a striker than goals scored, when he receives the ball in the majority of positions he receives it, his first thought isn't who he can pass it to, it's how can I score from here.
  5. Haf: I promise to never say anything negative about Lukaku again.
  6. We've heard that a lot closer to home, but it hasn't happened, wish our board had some bollocks about them.
  7. Your right, I think Coleman could make the transition from a full back to a wing back, he has a good engine on him which you need, takes people on has a bit of pace and gets in box, Baines would struggle to get up and down the line, and would compromise the system, Oviedo would be a better choice he's more direct going forward and takes people on.You nearly look set up as a 3 5 2 with two holding midfielders, that way you could have 7 defending when needed, and 5 attacking when we have possession of the ball.
  8. If he's such a bad player why does he get picked if available for every game, when there are other options that could be tried. Could it be because he is good at what he does. You could go through the whole team and find fault in all of them. If shit defenders weren't conceding goals they wouldn't come in for criticism, even as individuals they are poor, so I struggle to understand how Lukaku comes in for so much criticism when he's doing what he was put out there to do score goals.
  9. Well done boy's looked shit but great result, I think we may have seen Barry's last appearance, been a great servant for the club unfortunately time has eventually caught up with him.
  10. Been streaming this, you know what wouldn't bother me if the if my internet went down, it would be less painful.
  11. That's exactly what he did come on last week Koeman is making the same poor decisions week in week out, and unbelievably there were people defending him for bringing Barry on last week.
  12. But when you think about why you said that is it because you have witnessed them playing a lot better than they have been of late, so you know they can do a job, that's how I feel and I include Barkley in that as well.Now are we all to believe that in six months they have all become shit at the same time due to there own deficiencies, or could it be the fault of clueless management.
  13. I blame it on the boogie might as well everything else has been blamed.
  14. Merry Christmas to you all and your families. Even you MikeO and don't upset the grandchildren Father Christmas is real.
  15. Barkley play's well when the team keep good retention of the ball, he can then interact with players around him and show off his abilities. At present we must have the lowest possession of the ball in the league, and when he does receive it he's usually to deep or has no one around him to work off. If Eddie Howe had him he would be back in the England setup. Fucking hate the shit sisters.
  16. What do you think Koeman has been doing to Barkley since he got here, and it's not go out there and play how you want and where you want, that I believe is a big factor as to why Barkley is a shadow of his normal self, he's been shackled and is playing with fear of being Koeman's scapegoat, Long gone is the player who was allowed to go on the pitch and express himself with the freedom that made him the player with seen he can be.
  17. I agree he has all the attributes to a better than average central defender with good coaching.
  18. Happy to hear it Mark, hopefully we can get him here.
  19. Why didn't we make a concerted effort to sign him in the summer if him and koeman have a good relationship, I don't even think we made an approach for him, instead we sign Williams, something doesn't seem right to me.
  20. How did Schneiderlin's relationship finish with Koeman, i may be wrong and please correct me if I am but I thought they had a falling out, similar to Moyes and Lescott but a bit more intense, so possible Koeman could be a negative for him coming here.
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