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Will Rickson

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  1. We carefully select our players our players. We messed up in the early days but the top players would not come. We still mess up from time to time. Marwood did an interview in the mail many years a go now I think it was. He said that we had 70 odd pages on some kid we where looking at buying. Things about what food he likes what his family do is physical and mental attributes. You think we do not spend our money wisely because we buy established players but your forgetting all the youngsters we are snapping up like Kelechi Angelino Celina Humphries they all played today by the way
  2. Right but you where called it and it was for a reason yes. why does the timing matter ? Your going to be going on about the sheik even now we are self sustainable, and even after he has gone if your still around.
  3. Your making out like I am denying your spending when I am not I just stating facts football has always had benefactors the difference now is the size and the fact they are not local. though with FFP rightly or wrongly maybe this will stop
  4. Look the relative peanuts to do prices does not change the fact that You where called the Mersyside millionairs for a reason. That it looks like you needed a massive cash inejection to get your ground in the beginning. I am struggling to find the same ash injection for Liverpool but know fellow city fans feal they also got injections of cash back in the past and we all no there was time under Rafa when they where spending more than United and not winning out .
  5. Look I never said Blackburn wasted gazillions whatever that is. But they where bankroled. Lets ignore Arsenal for the sake of arguments sake. Look at United with Di Maria, Berbatove, Nani, Anderson, Bebe, Mata, Martial, Veron, Van Persie. Even the good deals like Rooney and Ferdinand where insane prices at the time. There team was more expensive than ours in some recent games. Any sensible fan would say that City are a big club rich and self sustaining also the biggest or one of the biggest no. We have 55000 at games. We won stuff before some more successful clubs and are still one of the more successful clubs despite years of being rubbish, we are improving our trophie count most years and improving everything else also
  6. Virtually everyone buys the league. City, Blackburn Chelsea all did. Arsenal cheated into the top flight in 1900s. There manager is the best paid around, they pay there lesser players more than most other club and have started to splash the cash on the likes of Ozil and Sanchez. United bought the league in the 1990 or whatever then someone how got the best load of youth and just tinkered with the squad only buying one or two big names paying high wages all round. Then when Fergie was about to leave they really started to spend and now ey really are trying to buy the leave and failing terribly. Both Merseyside bought the league
  7. Where did I say otherwise If people are going divert a friendly thread into a thread to accuse my club of being cheats then I am going to defend by club. Remember you where the millionaires once to
  8. Look I am loving it I accept we got lucky and that our own has spent a bucket load of money but he and or his advisers also have better vision and business model than anyone else. Thats partly down to money( or luck if you prefer) allowing it but its also partly down to be being better business people. This vision actually started under Cook and Thaksin (who was not that rich by comparison) Look the loopholes you say exist do not exist and I have explained it before I am now going over the same stuff again so please reread this thread. Self sponsorship is covered by related party part of FFP regulations. PSG got there sponsorship reduced through this method. City had nothing done to the Etihad deal its not related party according to EU law not just FFP. It was a good deal at the time but its now probably under values City. Its 35 million a year for Shir,t Stadium, Training Facility, Campus (200 acres of Manchester) (which will according to more than rumours be a leisure attraction will be of international significance) United get 45 million for there Shirt 20 million for training facility and did get money for there training kit Looks cheap now. Arsenals deal for shirt and stadium is about the same price. No training deal no campus. The wage stuff is good business, common sense, logic, and not a loophole all the wages reductions are turned into fees City are charged by the companies these people now work for ie City Football Marketing (CFM) City Football Services (CFS) This allows the cost of buildings and staff to be spread over all the companies clubs FAs these people work for eg Manchester City men and women, Yokohama, New York City FC, Melbourne City FC men and women, whatever is going on in China, probably the clubs we have partnerships with and maybe even a few FAs. We work with the Ghana FA. You mentioned a reduction of 11 million in wages thats exactly the same amount as City put in there account under something like other expenses ie the reduction in wages was turned into a charger by the other companies. In the previous year the reductions came as a result of new contracts reducing basic pay increasing bonuses no sackings and lower amortization due to the new deals
  9. Your giving your opinion based on false understanding and its just your opinion. People want clubs to be self sustainable and have good players yet complain when they act like business. Seems contradictory. They should also not forget there own history of moolar injection even if it on lower scale
  10. Look all City fans know we got lucky. We just object to other fans making stuff up or saying its all down to the owners and not also being well run. I still do not think you have said what the loopholes are its not self sponsorship or related party as that was closed from the get go. Is clearly defined by UEFA HMRC/ UK Government/ The EU/The law/ whatever. Regarding transferring costs Its common practice in the business world It makes business sense it make logical sense, I am sure there are rules about it City got charged by the parent companies for these services so again whats the loophole or gain.
  11. its good business practice rather than a loophole to set up different companies as they do different things for different companies/ Clubs in different parts of the world its common practice in every field bar football by the looks of it. Its spreads costs. City could employ all there own scouts, coaches, marketing or they could employ even more through a parent company which could also work for sister clubs, other clubs with which city have a relationship National FAs companies etc and all these groups including City could be charged a fee depending on the amount of time spent on the particular project. Non related parties as Etihad and the two other companies in question in the media are proven to be by independent auditors UEFA and probably also our own government and law enforcement can hardly over pay on purposes for a sponsorship deal they can only get ripped off as Chev have with United since what would they gain from over paying on purpose? Like I said lots of loopholes exist for a reason I gave examples earlier
  12. Perhaps you could explain further what I have not grasped ? And answer my previous questions and reply in the previous two posts ?
  13. Loopholes are often not really loopholes they exist for a reason think of tax loopholes which exist to increase investment and savings etc. What loopholes are you saying actually exist ? Why should these loopholes not exist ? I have dealt with how there is no loophole regarding related party inflated sponsorship or contracting out services to parent companies
  14. Dixie Dean. Our scouts and top office staff work for City Football Group, City Football marketing, and City Football Services, They work for Manchester City Men and Women Melbourne City Men and Women New York City They are doing some stuff in China and They probably work with partner clubs and even an FA. This all takes up time, wages and infrastructure City are then Charged for this in the last lot of accounts the charges amounted to 11 million I think. It is standard practice in other big corporation who have other companies within there group to do this it was signed of by a multinational auditing firm and UEFA As where are supposed related party deals which where not shown as related party by either UEFA or our Auditors but PSGs where. Your argument essentially amounts to calling these people lairs,cheats and criminals on a public forum. That they pretended that these deals where not related and that City where not undercharged for these services this has legal and tax implications above and beyond that of FFP and essentially Mansour change down his sofa. By the way the deals that are supposedly related party deals about to less than 15% of revenue according to some City fans. Our Etihad deal is 35 million for Shirt Academy Stadium and over 200 acres of land which will at some point be turned into a leisure attraction of international significance according to more than rumours. Liverpool get 25 million for shirt despite no champions league . Arsenals deal is now in line with ours despite offering stadium and shirt only and less success on the pitch perhaps till this season in recent years. United get 45 million for Shirt and about 20 for Academy even though its out of the way and did get some for there training gear. Now sorry if that sounds very brutal but it really get on City fans nerves.
  15. I am 23 year old lad very offended Thanks for recognizing that I am genuine. One point I would like to make. Which I made on another Everton Forum before being banned for being wind up merchant. Is MCFC have a unique business model which means the group of companies will be richer than any club in football in my opinion
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