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Everything posted by nyblue23

  1. Can we maybe just all agree that every player in the squad with the exception of Gana is currently a problem and that Rom's goal-scoring ability, while great, does often disguise a striker who lacks great first touch much of the time and doesn't always seem to know where he should be on the pitch? Like Jesus Christ. It seems like everyone must be of the opinion that he's either shit and worthless or he's the rock of this squad. He's neither. He's a striker with amazing potential who's probably a bit arrogant and maybe a bit lazy, likely stemming from the fact that he's scored a lot of goals for a team and a system without many in them for a fair while now, and who probably won't be an Everton player past this season anyway. He will probably go to some bigger club and make a name for himself as one of the greatest Belgian strikers of all time, and we'll all bemoan the fact that he could have become that here, when the reality is that we've got a ways to go as a club until we can develop anyone into a truly elite forward.
  2. That's the lineup I want to see, potentially with Holgate getting a start in there at CB with Coleman on the right at some point in the near future. And if the attack looks as impotent as it has recently, absolutely bring on Calvert-Lewin in the second half to have a go.
  3. This one is 4.30 A.M. for me where I am in California right now. Won't be happening. That said, it's getting to the point that watching depresses me more than it's worth.
  4. Me either. Cleverley offers this team absolutely nothing as a winger. Anywhere really, but on the flank he's as good as a lost DCM. He needs to be offloaded badly.
  5. To be fair, Cleverley has been pretty shit.
  6. Don't know why it takes us so long to turn our shit on. Terrible display until the last 15 minutes, then great from there. What gives?
  7. Haha Fellaini. Weak penalty but I'll take it.
  8. 61% passing accuracy. Never seen that bad before.
  9. Horrendous goalkeeping there.
  10. Have a feeling that if Jags had been in for Funes Mori we already would've conceded a couple. At least two very important clearances by Mori.
  11. Bolasie's already done it a couple times.
  12. Better defending than that of late but this is a shocking attacking display. I tuned in after about 7' and I haven't seen more than 3 passes strung together since.
  13. To be fair, if Barry didn't get a yellow for his, that's not a red.
  14. What the hell is Barry up to? Kicking the ball forward towards absolutely no one every time he sees it.
  15. For me, his passion and fearlessness alone are something this team is horribly lacking. The only other player with his fire in the team is Coleman, and Coleman's drive doesn't seem to be nearly as infectious. For that reason alone, I want to see him given a run when he's healthy, because right now we look like a lot of careless idiots dawdling around for a paycheck.
  16. Stek looks awful, by the way. Not even set for that last Hazard goal. Didn't even make a move towards it.
  17. What a goal by Hazard. Hope for a better next week.
  18. Can't say as we've regressed but we certainly don't look to have improved much.
  19. And a 3-0 win at home. Chelsea last season is definitely not Chelsea this season. Man U is Chelsea last season.
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