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Everything posted by nyblue23

  1. To be fair, we should have lost 2-1 save a bad offsides call.
  2. His kid has a killer unibrow. Reminiscent of Anthony Davis in the NBA.
  3. Really nothing wrong with what he said, but definitely scary. The thing is, if we lose a player like Lukaku because of his perception that the club's ambition is not great enough, it doesn't bode well for our ability to draw other top-tier strikers. Additionally, those complaining that being concerned about his departure is putting one man in front of the rest of the team are forgetting that our attackers and midfield have more or less been built around Lukaku's strengths. We don't have wingers, attacking mids or dcms who are adept at scoring. We have a bunch of midfielders who like to play passes into space which Lukaku maneuvers into, or to whip crosses or cutbacks into the center of the box where Lukaku is literally the only one ever waiting for them. The scary part about losing him is not that one man is bigger than the team, but that we rely on a certain mold of striker so much for goals that we need at least three attackers with different styles of play to compensate for the structure of our squad if we lose him. It'd be nice to have the type of squad where goals can come from any player like an Arsenal or redshite, but that's not our squad.
  4. No I think we're skeptical with him specifically because he's said pretty much since he got here that he wants to play with a Champion's League club and we are still not there. That said, I do think he likes the club, likes Koeman's vision and wants us to succeed, but if we don't get in the top 4 in the two campaigns following this one, he'll be a goner no matter how much he likes us.
  5. Looks pretty defensive to me, too. Against spurs you had a clusterfuck of dcm's looking to play forward but no one running into that space. The combo of barkley/schneiderlin seems good enough to me while letting the likes of lookman/mirallas and Lukaku get forward. I'd actually go 4 at the back: Robles Coleman Williams mori Baines Schneiderlin Gana Barkley Mirallas Lookman Lukaku Bring on Davies and Mccarthy as subs if legs start to go and still have Valencia to play forward.
  6. He wants absolutely nothing to do with that camera. It's a little poetic.
  7. Think I might name my son after him instead of naming him after the club.
  8. Agreed with those assessments. Funes Mori can occasionally put in a great shift - he wouldn't be starting for Argentina otherwise, but Williams is captain material and still one of the more solid if unspectacular CB's in the Premier league. We do need another solid CB to rotate in next season, but in the Tottenham game I think our problem was more to do with formation than it was defending from our CBs. I'd like to see Holgate get a couple shifts in place of Funes Mori if we fall out of contention for 6th.
  9. Thanks Steve. Got confused when I looked at the results because I was up until very late in the morning with a fever and watched myself lose a 10 pointer in added time. Just a little insult to actual injury and my competitive assholery got a bit upset.
  10. Uhhh my prediction wasn't 1-0 Everton... it was 2-1 Spurs.
  11. I had a 10 pointer until the added time.
  12. But he doesn't have the goal scoring record that he used to, does he? Two goals in 17 matches, same as Gareth Barry for us this season, in a side that's struggled for goals outside of Ibrahimovic the same way we've struggled for goals outside of Rom. I'm not convinced unless we can get him to agree to a massive wage cut. He is not an Ibrahimovic-type player. While still smart with his decision-making, he's lost too much of his quickness and pace which were crucial to his style of play. Comparing an aging Rooney to an aging Ibrahimovic or Van Persie is comparing an apple to oranges.
  13. Chalk this one up to indigestion. This is the most fun I've had watching Everton in a while.
  14. Have a bit of a bad feeling about this one. Gonna try to sleep a few hours and wake up to watch. I suspect Bournemouth will look like they want this one a lot more than us and it will take a good bit of skill to squeak one out.
  15. Paul and Ringo just both so annoying as people. Hard to be annoying from a grave I suppose.
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