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Everything posted by nyblue23

  1. Yeah I've been impressed by some of his possession today. Had a nice spin move in the first half.
  2. Referee asking for a serious injury with how loosely he's calling this.
  3. He's coming into the game a bit for sure. Probably gained some confidence with that excellent delivery. First ten minutes he was garbage.
  4. Counted 5 giveaways in the first ten minutes, then his positioning has been horrifying twice for their attacks.
  5. How their winger just found so much space... match is already crying out for Holgate.
  6. Pickford Martina Keane Williams Baines Schneiderlin Besic Sigurdsson Loomman DCL Rooney Edit: ahh just beat me to it, Mike.
  7. True. Turns out you were right, anyway, at least about the FA Cup: "A player on a temporary (loan) transfer is ineligible to compete in the Challenge Cup Competition unless permission to do so is given by the lending Club in writing and a copy is received by The Association by 12 noon on the Friday prior to the date fixed for playing the Round. Any permissions must clearly state that the player has approval to play in The FA Challenge Cup Competition. A registered Trainee or a player who is registered on a Scholarship for work experience may play for another Club, subject to written permission being given by the Club that he is registered to and provided that such permission is received by The Association by 12 noon on the Friday prior to the date fixed for playing the Round. The Association will not give permission for players on loan or work experience to play against the lending Club." Fuck you wikipedia.
  8. Not sure that's true since it's a cup game and not PL. Wikipedia disagrees, for what it's worth.
  9. I agree and I like Besic a lot, but his passes don't have a lot of weight on them. Was noticing that against City. Still a big fan, though.
  10. I dont get the passing thing. He plays quick, smart passes consistently, and plays the occasional incredible through ball. Scheiderlin, McCarthy and Besic all slow down forward movement far more than Gana. He's not the most creative player in our midfield, but he's not meant to be and does more than adequately at setting up our attacking midfielders quickly.
  11. This says everything for me. Clearly Koeman isn't quite satisfied with the squad, not to mention the fact that it's a complete overhaul and both the players and Koeman will need some games to adjust and figure out exactly what works. Can't say I loved the tactics, but can't say I totally blame Koeman for them given the circumstances.
  12. Just finished Nocturnal Animals. Good if you're into dark stuff. Great performance by Michael Shannon.
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