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Everything posted by nyblue23

  1. Finally starting to get annoyed with these lineups. Happy to see Kenny in there, but don't really see how we'll score.
  2. I honestly didn't know there had ever been a black NASCAR driver.
  3. Also, I've been very pleasantly surprised by the NFL's reaction to all this. Those of you who have spent a lot of time in the US have probably noticed that the largest demographic who goes mad for American football are blue-blooded, working-class, gun-toting, mostly white Americans. Obviously, as it's the most popular sport in the US, this is just a cross-section of fans, but it is the loudest and most vocal. That NFL owners, some of whom are personal friends with the oompa loompa excuse for a president, would come together to show solidarity over issues of race, even after blackballing Colin Kaepernick for doing the same, and despite the averse reactions from their core fan base, shows the influence that players can have in shifting discourse. Meanwhile, our soccer federation won't budge: https://www.starsandstripesfc.com/2017/9/26/16371086/us-soccer-stands-by-policy-standing-national-anthem-rapinoe-kneeling Kind of an interesting juxtaposition given the predominant demographic of world football fans vs American football fans.
  4. Didn't think of it immediately, but there's a really interesting read on this by a guy named Kevin Kruse called "One Nation Under God: How Corporate America Invented Christian America." Seems a lot of the patriotism we Americans were instilled with growing up grew from an alliance between prominent evangelicals and corporate America.
  5. You know who could definitely dunk a basketball? Lukaku. That said, I'd hope DCL can, too, given that he's a 6'2" professional athlete.
  6. Good to see them winning, but only one of their four goals against Arsenal would've gone in against a better keeper, and that the own goal. Shows the massive gap between them and the jump up to the premier league.
  7. Made a mess of my username, but I'll take it.
  8. Good that it's not broken, but shame for him that it still seems pretty bad.
  9. What ever happened with his arrest for assault?
  10. Pickford Kenny Holgate Williams Baines Davies Gana Siggy Vlasic DCL Lookman Subs: Sandro, Niasse for any of the front three once tired
  11. Fantastic start. Give me West Brom, Stoke, Sunderland, Middlesborough and Bournemouth again in the first 5 matches of the season. Oh wait, you can't because two were relegated and two more may be this season. Take your blinders off, buddy. Not even a comparison to be made between the competition for the first six matches of this season and last. Only comparison is that we played both Tottenham and Stoke and took less than 6 points between the two both seasons. Garbage thinker, you are.
  12. I didn't realize 13 points gets you 7th in the league. Unreal.
  13. To be fair, I doubt Barcelona even know who Bolasie is. Geri clearly the better talent.
  14. I thought the same thing, but these ones are a fair bit more homegrown.
  15. I don't think Koeman has implied anywhere that he thinks he was wrong about Niasse in the first place, that he's happy to have him back in the first team, or that he's Niasse's gracious savior. He said explicitly when asked about him that the only reason he's in the first team at all is that we didn't get the striker we wanted and the numbers weren't there for him. That's it.
  16. How's the weather in the UK this fall?
  17. Come on, Mike. Let everyone dream a little.
  18. It would be a clever money grab if they had the base for it, but I don't think there are quite enough hardcore premier league fans yet to make it profitable. So, fuck NBC. I'll be back to not so legal streams.
  19. Barry's the perfect player for Pulis at this stage in his career. Wouldn't have done much had he gotten into the team here anyway.
  20. Yup. Been posted elsewhere but each club is only guaranteed 3 live games. No more nbc live extra.
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