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Everything posted by nyblue23

  1. But that ignores the fact that Sanchez has been pushing for a move for the better part of a year, while Barkley turned down a move in the summer to the same club he's now signed with.
  2. Seven million pounds is fucking ludicrous for an agent fee. This leads me to believe Barkley really is just stupid.
  3. Right but he’s back at Finch Farm for rehabilitation.
  4. I'm confused. Did he get a work permit? Or he's allowed to train with Everton but not play for us?
  5. Judging by his facebook page, Everton just gained a lot of Turkish fans.
  6. Think we'll need to sign a winger who knows how to cross if he's to be his most effective for us based off of his goal reel.
  7. Updating goal scorer to DCL after lineup reveal.
  8. On a positive note, sitting at Mr. Dennehy's in NYC with JoeQuince watching the match.
  9. Rooney needs off. Too slow to turn and make anything happen. Martina his usual shit self. Lennon our only spark plug but he'll be gassed by 70 minutes.
  10. A fit of rage. Not one we use much here, either, but apt for the occasion.
  11. Atsu is tearing apart Martina on that right side. Need Lennon to switch sides as cover. Also I might have a conniption if we make a defensive change before 75'.
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