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Everything posted by nyblue23

  1. Horrible horrible defense. Partly on that zonal marking. We just can't get it right yet.
  2. Schneiderlin also played well before his injury. Typical of him to get injured right after he starts playing well, though.
  3. Gana's playing well. Linking up the attack and making forward runs while maintaining good positioning.
  4. Gonna be hard to drop Walcott or Richarlison after this first half. Our other wingers are gonna have a rough time getting in the team.
  5. I think Pickford actually saved Ings shot there.
  6. Anybody have a working stream for this that they can PM me?
  7. And the fact that baseball is 162 games plus postseason, basketball and hockey 82 plus. But traveling 3,000 miles from San Diego to Boston or Seattle to Miami definitely contributes. My favorite baseball team plays in Seattle and has always struggled to attract great players because of the amount of travel they have to do; their closest opponent plays 800 miles away in Oakland.
  8. Adult film means something very specific over here. I had a moment of shock before I realized that MI was that adult film.
  9. I’ve been one of his loudest opponents on this forum, but in all fairness to the guy, he’s probably a league average RB. He just had absolutely no business being on the left side.
  10. He’s certainly doing well there. The free kick goal would have been saved by just about any PL keeper, though. Maybe even Stek.
  11. I remember reading that there wasn’t on deadline day but I can’t remember the source. Regardless, unless he shows himself to be an absolute worldie, I’m sure the possibility will be there anyway.
  12. The rifle tattoo uproar might be tinged with a bit of racism, to be fair. Honestly I think we have another thread about a former player of ours criticizing his lifestyle choices that seems to have a bit of it as well. But I agree that criticism of Sterling’s play doesn’t have anything to do with his race.
  13. It is getting clearer that he’s sulking a bit, but I agree that it doesn’t mean we should get rid. Just wait for him to get over it and become the player he’ll be with the team with which he signed up to be that player.
  14. Says the guy making ad hominem attacks. Look through this thread. Already said enough about Schneiderlin.
  15. Cool man. Slag away. The irony is still palpable.
  16. No time for patronizing when you have the attitude of a ten year old: “If they are going to act like cocks I’ll be a bigger cock when comes to their super hero Gana.”
  17. Yeah no longer. A lot of us were pretty sad to see it go. Looks like everyone is giving Turnmill NYC a shot as our new home, which happens to be around the corner from the bar where I work.
  18. On NBC? To be fair I think he said dollars, which is closer to the truth.
  19. Schneiderlin. And Holgate gave him an absolute drubbing over it, which is good to see. Coleman close too but covering the run of the player just behind him. Schneiderlin being told to move further out by Gana who was in position covering the man behind Schneiderlin. Morgan just walking around the edge of the 18 yard box and actually looks behind him at one point despite Gana giving him direction.
  20. Four minutes to hold on. Don’t see us scoring without Richarlison.
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