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Everything posted by nyblue23

  1. To be fair, was a shit pass but dumb defending by Siggy. Gana was right there.
  2. That. And every commentator so far has called out Smith for immediately crying to the ref. If the ref sees it and decides to issue a card, that’s one thing. But Smith got one over not only on Richarlison, but on the ref, too.
  3. Cards as a result of putting in a goal-preventing tackle, sure. Cards as a result of being a dumbass... not so much.
  4. If he were trying to harm him, that would have been a much more dramatic headbutt. All movements of the head are not created equal, and if you genuinely believe that it was an attempt to harm, you should have your own head checked. It happens in every sport generally as a result of passion building up. That’s not at all what happened there. It’s naive to say that there was anything less than scummy about Smith’s behavior.
  5. Hahaha really? You think he was trying to injure/harm Smith with that?
  6. That’s naive as fuck. Bullshit gamesmanship from Smith jawing at Richarlison while he walks away. Willingly goes head to head with him, reacts late to the slight nod and immediately cries to the referee. Bitch behavior. Obviously Richarlison is an idiot for engaging him, but that’s not football. That’s some cheap bullshit.
  7. Richarlison kind of having a stinker, too. Just keeps dribbling into trouble and losing possession.
  8. I wouldn’t have called that debate balanced in the slightest, but for what it’s worth, haf at least acknowledged that Lukaku was very talented and single-handedly won us some matches, which is far more than you can say about pete0 and palfy’s assessments of Gana. I can’t believe I’m saying this but I really do think this discussion is more baffling.
  9. He is shit, but who the fuck cares about his hairstyle?
  10. No way he resigns. Hopefully this affects the midterms and Democrats impeach once they gain control, but even then I doubt the impeachment will be successful.
  11. Yeah he was number 2 the past two season; he's number 18 this season.
  12. Not the same, and no, he really never got played alongside someone who wasn’t also also a similarly minded player. It’s two games that he’s been better, and he didn’t have the full preseason that the rest of the team had. It’s pretty clear that he was mismanaged and pigeonholed into a team that didn’t fit his strengths last season. At least this season, he’s in a position on the field where he is comfortable and has excelled.
  13. I also remember Tosun making a pretty important block in the game against Wolves as a result of the press. Really just matters how hard working you are. You don't have to be lightning fast to apply pressure; just know where to block lanes and run hard.
  14. Can't really see Bernard being a backup once he's fully fit and integrated.
  15. Same. Gana made some decisive blocks, set up and linked play well, and at one point was getting a touch to absolutely everything. Gylfi great all match. Davies pretty solid although went missing at times. Really, everyone had a good game bar Coleman and maybe Keane.
  16. That goal was terrible. Our set piece defending clearly needs a lot of work. This zonal marking thing Silva insists on isn'tt working for us. We better spend a lot of time on the training pitch getting it right this week.
  17. Armstrong should've been off and escapes without a yellow. Cynical and makes contact with the ref while yelling in his face.
  18. Coleman the worst player on the pitch for us today. Just couldn't get a pass right.
  19. Play Richarlison up front and bring Lookman on for Tosun?
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