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Everything posted by nyblue23

  1. So does every superstar in any sport. Lebron? Curry? Bryant? Brady? Bell? Clemens? Ronaldo? Neymar? Every superstar who is used to winning reacts poorly to losing when officiating calls go against them. It’s not a new phenomenon, and I don’t think anyone faces the critique that Williams consistently faces. Do I condone her behavior? No, but I don’t think it’s even on the level of a lot of dudes who don’t get shit for being so arrogant. She deserves a certain level of arrogance. She’s dominated a sport like few others have in the history of their respective sports. Even footballers like Pogba and Neymar who are flashes in pan in their sport get away with less criticism than she does.
  2. Pretty light punishment if you ask me: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nytimes.com/2018/08/28/sports/tennis/us-open-fabio-fognini.amp.html
  3. Than being called a gypsy shit and having your physical well-being threatened? I’m assuming you’re not a traveler, and I also know you well enough from your arguments here to know your bravado probably protects you from feeling physicality threatened by verbal abuse, so I’ll say it’s not just you but it’s not everyone. And regardless, “gypsy” is a racist term, especially when connected to “shit,” and making ostensibly physical threats towards a referee would be met by a ban in any fucking sport in the world.
  4. Think it was Costa, so slightly easier than telling Neymar to fuck off. Neymar had the assist.
  5. He was fined and temporarily banned for mysogynistic, abusive, vulgar and racist language. The most offensive thing Williams said was calling the umpire a thief. I’m not sure for whose benefit that article was posted (your only other post about this talks about how much you hate Williams), but if you read the whole thing, it actually defends my point.
  6. John McEnroe is himself a caricature, but as polarizing as he was, few said he was disgracing the sport. People equally loved or hated his lack of decorum, but it was entertainment and he was seen as a passionate if irritating figure. When Williams throws a fit, no one finds it entertaining. Her fits will never be in a reel of tennis players behaving badly. Instead they will be dissected by every sports publication and most non-sports publications, talked about in soccer forums and at dinner tables. If you can’t see the difference between the two, I can’t help you: https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.usatoday.com/amp/1248179002 So yeah, Johnny boy, I’m serious.
  7. Played a decent ball for an assist against Mexico in a 1-0 win. Really a perfect ball although it didn’t look like it at the time, so hard to know if it was fully intended.
  8. I don't really have a dog in this fight because I couldn't give a shit about tennis, but the whole thing does seem a bit sexist, and the cartoon is definitely reminiscent of overtly racist Jim Crow/Jack Johnson cartoons. The sexist part is evinced by this: There's just a much larger reaction to and outrage over her fits than there ever has been to the tantrums of male tennis players.
  9. That’s certainly not what happened this last election. The RNC nominated an extreme candidate more or less against their will while the DNC colluded to nominate a moderate one at the expense of a far left one (Sanders), and the extremist candidate won the general election. Regardless, I find a lot of the talk of left/right/moderate kind of hollow in our government. They’re all neoliberals on either side, with the exception of a few like Sanders. The differences come down to a few social issues (LGBTQ rights, abortion) and what to do with taxes (give breaks to wealthy or middle class; spend on military or social services). Fundamentally, the differences between Clinton and someone like John McCain in the last election were trivial.
  10. Yeah that penalty was an abomination. In a friendly, too. You have to say something is wrong in the culture of Brazilian football for them to dive and act so much in even a trivial international friendly.
  11. Oh shit I didn’t even see the second page. My bad.
  12. If you’re feeling like going down a somewhat disturbing rabbit hole: https://medium.com/@jamesbridle/something-is-wrong-on-the-internet-c39c471271d2
  13. I like McCarthy a whole lot and think his running, work ethic and positioning are absolutely class. I do wonder if his link up play will be enough to take us forward as a club, but I think he’s an upgrade on anyone who has played for us in the center of the park so far this season.
  14. That’s dope. They were the one group I remember my dad loving when I was growing up so there’s a fair bit of nostalgia there.
  15. Just beat me to Boardwalk Empire and I forgot all about Narcos. That has to be up there for me.
  16. Films: 1. Wings of Desire 2. Good Will Hunting 3. Cool Hand Luke 4. Snatch 5. There Will Be Blood Books: 1. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man - James Joyce 2. The Unbearable Lightness of Being - Milan Kundera 3. The Brothers Karamazov - Dostoevsky 4. Nine Stories OR Raise High the Roofbeams, Carpenter and Seymour (I like both equally) - JD Salinger 5. A Confederacy of Dunces - John Kennedy Toole 6. My Antonia - Willa Cather Could go on a bit on this category. TV Series: 1. Boardwalk Empire 2. Breaking Bad 3. Peaky Blinders 4.Girls (just being honest) 5. Silicon Valley Albums are way too hard, but a few have to be: 1. NAS - Illmatic 2. Kendrick Lamar - Good Kid, M.A.A.D. City 3. Leon Bridges - Good Thing 4. Steely Dan - Aja 5. Ray Lamontagne - Gossip In the Grain
  17. So many conclusions from such a short cameo. Are we sure Silva didn’t ask him to play further inside? Are we sure he didn’t tell him to make a few runs and try to win it for us? He dribbled into traffic a couple times, which sure, it was annoying, but what if he’d been given instructions to dribble past a defender since their organization seemed otherwise impossible for our poor passing to pick apart?
  18. Do you really think you can tell that from 20 minutes on the pitch?
  19. From highlights it looks like Patricio and Fabianski put on a near masterclass in goalkeeping today.
  20. Is his clone banned from this match, too, though?
  21. Insane to me that people are ready to judge Robinson off of a single preseason appearance.
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