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Everything posted by nyblue23

  1. And no I think it’s precisely by design, as dictated by the influence of corporate $$$.
  2. News to me on the wage increases: http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2018/08/07/for-most-us-workers-real-wages-have-barely-budged-for-decades/ I wonder if your media is referring to minimum wage increases which generally occur on the state level, or to the federal increase which was an Obama carryover. Re:jobs: https://www.forbes.com/sites/chuckjones/2018/10/30/two-charts-show-trumps-job-gains-are-just-a-continuation-from-obamas-presidency/#40cfcaae1af3 And the economy is doing fine, despite Trump’s tariffs, etc. which could undermine growth. That said, there have been signs recently that it might be trending downward. I know you’re not trying to argue those points, but I do think we’re in an interesting reality if the British media is purporting great economic growth during the Trump era when it looks nearly identical to the economy under the last four years of Obama. I just don’t think that those are concerns that most voters in America really understand anymore. In my opinion, Trump and the GOP’s success in rural areas has more to do with his and their vitriol towards immigrants and the “other” generally than it has to do with any economic issues. Certainly, if the economy was floundering, we might be telling a different story, but its success is by no means propelling voters to remain supportive of him and is by no means the root of unhappiness with those of us who are vehemently against everything he represents. It’s very easy to see how a two party system has completely destroyed any semblance of true democracy in a country which allows so much monetary influence in its political system. Unfortunately, as long as we continue to allow parties and candidates to be so heavily funded by PACs and special interests, there’s really no alternative. As a New Yorker, I voted green in several state races where I knew I had no chance (and also knew the Republican had no chance), but garnering 1% of the vote doesn’t exactly instill the fear of god into either political party. I think I tend to disagree on at least half of that point. I think most democrats are moderate. We are still a relatively conservative country politically, in regards to both social issues and economic issues, compared to most of Western Europe and even much of the Americas. I also think that the two parties in the U.S. share a lot more in common than not in their fundamental evaluations of how our political, social and economic systems should be structured, and that corporate influence has everything to do with their similitude. Edit: don’t know why the shift in font size.
  3. So they investigated us more intensely and then we admitted wrongdoing rather than fighting it as the Shite did, and therefore we suffer greater consequences.
  4. The biggest thing your question misunderstands is that there is such a thing as a “normal American.” Partisanship is divided between just about every binary imaginable: urban v rural, man v woman, white v black, old v young, etc. This set of infographics is informative: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/11/07/us/elections/house-exit-polls-analysis.html Americans are not enjoying a better standard of living under Trump by any means; the stock market just lost all of its gains since the beginning of the year and has just barely begun to climb back again. Recent research has demonstrated that the economic success during the first two years of his presidency has come in large part as the result of economic policy during the Obama era, and that we are in for more rough times ahead over the next two. Meanwhile, more and more mass shootings happen every day fueled by Trump’s hateful rhetoric, with Jewish people, black people, gays and other minority groups all having been targets. LGBTQ people (especially transgender folks) have to be increasing fearful of their own recognized status and rights, women have been found to be less credible than fratty rich white men, and the U.S. continues to be made a mockery of in the eyes of world politics. Unfortunately, in a representative democracy under control of two parties (which are both neoliberal and oligarchical in structure), a party can totally dominate the political system without even having a majority of voters behind it. Democrats lost 3 seats in the senate this election while winning the popular vote, due to the outsized influence of rural states in the senate makeup. Democratic gains in the house were picked up mostly by the shift of suburban white voters (mostly women) away from Trump’s idiotic ideology. It’s not fear of rocking the boat that’s keeping Trump in power. It’s white Republican men’s fear of everyone else.
  5. Our fine is five times that of the Shite’s, and I doubt we’ll get our second year suspended for three years like they did.
  6. I’m just glad he’s back in time to cover for Chelsea. Would not have liked to see Holgate and Keane against a top side.
  7. I’m not saying it’s cheating, but I did predict it first. I’ll take it as flattery.
  8. I don’t get the hate, but he was poor Sunday and I get the criticism. There’s a very talented player in there who shows himself with some consistency, but not enough consistency to avoid being a bit frustrating.
  9. Miles offside but a 3v1 because Keane decided to give up.
  10. Was just about to say that he’s been incredibly important for us defensively so far. He’s been able to do what we need him to do because Davies has been getting forward and linking up well.
  11. Kenny was one of our better players on the pitch for the first half.
  12. Please no. Kenny is just fine. Play players at the positions they train to play.
  13. The problem is that for certain things, they are. A first drunk driving offense in either of our countries rarely leads to jail time; it’s all about the fines and legal fees racking up. Unfortunately, you would literally have to fine Lloris almost his entire net worth in order to phase him. Proportional fines would still do nothing. Fining someone £500 who is worth £5000 hurts, as they’ve only got £4,500 left. Fining someone £10 million when they’ve got £100... meh. They’ve still got £90.
  14. That’s what I keep thinking reading all of these. A yard dog like Gana frankly shouldn’t have to be nearly as worried about his positional sense; he should be free to run around, get the ball back and pass it upfield to a creative mid. As is, he and Schneiderlin get in each other’s way, Schneiderlin contributes not much defensively, and Gana gets constantly caught out all because our CB pairing has been consistently shit for the better part of 2 years. Not since Williams first arrived have we had any assurance at the back, and that was extremely short-lived.
  15. Because it’s not the owner’s responsibility to tell a player that they’re no longer needed. It’s the manager and D.O.F.’s job and we were in a time of transition. What I respect is that he had the sense to know the team had made a mistake signing Rooney, and he stuck to his desire to admit the wrongdoing and get rid instead of trying to force it to work, which would have been well against the club’s best interests.
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