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Everything posted by nyblue23

  1. OK, pete. You win because unlike you, I get tired of repeating myself. You still don’t know what conjecture means, though.
  2. It’s only evidence that he’s probably intoxicated in some way, and not strong evidence of that. I’m neutral here, and I 100% believe that he’s capable of rape and very likely committed it if a woman is accusing him, but that’s not evidence of much of anything.
  3. League game appearances from his page on the Everton website, the link I just posted. I already posted an analysis of our defensive record with and without him. The fact that he is leading the league in tackles is known to all on the forum. The fact that Silva calls him one of his most important players is further evidence that you’ve been making shit up over and over again (i.e. saying Silva wants to get rid and doesn’t rate him, only plays him because of lack of options). You can’t take what I’ve said about your own lack of evidence and turn it around and say I haven’t given you any, when I’m merely responding to the fact that you didn’t respond adequately to the evidence you were given. The circles you’re running are absolutely confounding. A tackle won that doesn’t win possession is not by its own a useless tackle. Tackles break up play and fluidity and allow the rest of the defense to recover into better positions. It’s not a zerosum equation. A tackle that doesn’t win possession absolutely does not mean that the player was better off not tackling and does not automatically mean that the tackle left us exposed. A tackle can also be made while continuing to stay goalside. The leaps you are making are incredible. Additionally, 50% seems low and I can’t sort through the pages of shit that have been spewed here to bother finding that link, so again, burden of proof, as I can’t find that statistic anywhere on the internet, and judging by the fact that he also led the league in ball recoveries last season, it seems auspicious. What the article states is self-evident if you read the article. We conceded 8 goals from open play in the two PL games we lost without Gana. Granted they were against very good sides, but we’ve played other very good sides and not given up an average of 4 goals per game in open play. The article effectively makes the argument that our defense from open play is actually better than average, and probably the best outside the top 6 if you take away the two games that Gana missed, and that is largely due to Gana’s ability to break up play. Our defense from set pieces is an entirely different question, and I’m sure you think Gana is worthless additionally because he’s not outjumping Keane and Mina to get his head on free kicks and corners.
  4. Tone? All I said was add. Seven league games plus six equals thirteen from the first two seasons, plus whatever he has missed this season: http://www.evertonfc.com/players/i/ig/idrissa-gana-gueye How could I be “losing an argument” when you continue to regurgitate the same words with no factual or statistical basis, and you continue to distort our record without him while discounting differences in the makeup of the squad over two years, making conjectures that are not rooted in any sort of fact but in your own distorted reality? Show the stats that demonstrate that he doesn’t win possession. He absolutely does, and often turns it into attack. He also makes countless tackles flying in from midfield at the edge of the box in order to break up dangerous opportunities while our CBs stand 7 yards back with their arms behind their backs in the box. Sometimes that results in giving away stupid free kicks, but it’s better than just allowing easy shots on goal, which our back line seems to love so much. The problem is, Pete, that whenever you are presented with evidence, like the article that I posted, that your opinions are factually untrue, you double down on them, as you do when you say “he most likely would’ve in those games,” still a weak argument based on conjecture. And if you’re accusing me of conjecture, I honestly don’t believe that you know what that word means.
  5. Do math. It’s not 13 games. And you ignored the part where it’s almost an entirely different back line than the one from a full two years ago, three managers removed from those defensive tactics. “He’s the player most likely giving away the set piece opportunity.” Once you get past the grammar, that’s still a horseshit statement. He’s the only one who ever wins possession back for our side, and while he’s given away the ocassional bad foul, in the game against Millwall that literally just happened it was Digne who gave away set pieces for two goals. Finally, you don’t get to make statements like “If anything we'd have conceded more with him in those two matches“ when making arguments. That’s called conjecture and it’s bullshit.
  6. It’s not a fact because you’re using a very specific self-determined definition of spell and ignoring all the other games he’s missed. He missed 7 PL games his first season with us, 6 last season and 2 so far this season. The team two years ago was a very different side defensively than our current side regardless. This article is much more helpful in demonstrating the effect of his absence in our current side: https://www.google.com/amp/s/royalbluemersey.sbnation.com/platform/amp/2019/1/28/18200797/everton-defense-analysis-set-piece-zonal-marking-marco-silva-kurt-zouma-michael-keane-idrissa-gueye
  7. I don’t understand how that goal was allowed. It’s no excuse and we should have beaten them handily (pun intended) anyway, but that shit was absolutely pathetic. If I did my job that poorly I would be fired instantly.
  8. Was just wondering if any of the strikers at this level are worth calling up to the first team to give a shot. A few of them seem to be banging in goals for a couple years running. Sambou maybe? Don’t see the harm in an appearance or two.
  9. Hah this has to be a new bottom. When he does something well, it’s because it’s the only thing he could have done, and the fact that he did it well means absolutely nothing. I wish you could step back and analyze the load of shit that you’ve spouted about Gana in these past months because it is truly a pile to behold.
  10. Silva may be flawed but there’s no chance in hell he’s putting out a weakened side for this one. He’s not stupid.
  11. Just saw If Beale Street Could Talk based on the James Baldwin novel. Phenomenal film. Also just started watching The Inbetweeners. I know I’m late... anybody have an opinion before I waste too much time?
  12. Didn’t realize that was the claim economically. Interesting.
  13. We played a very good second half against Bournemouth with the exception of a few defensive mistakes. Everybody complains so much about Silva changing the side, then we get a win and he names an unchanged starting XI and everyone says he’s getting his tactics wrong ffs. The players just aren’t playing well. Gana, Lookman and Bernard the only players who look like they care today. Edit: Should add Pickford and Digne to that list.
  14. I guess I just wonder when it will all end. Is the sense of British pride in the monarchy as a historical monument still strong, or is it increasingly viewed as an outdated relic and waste of money?
  15. I got multiple notifications on my phone about it and I don’t intentionally subscribe to most news outlets. I know for many it’s a bit of a soap opera, but what portion of the British population would you say are adamantly against the monarchy?
  16. Not providing any support for bigotry or anti-immigration views, but with the growing wage gap, they were probably never going to become doctors and lawyers anyway.
  17. His positioning and placement for the goal at Bournemouth were clinical. I think he’s coming along; he shouldn’t be starting every game at this point, but he is clearly developing an eye for the goal that he hasn’t displayed in past seasons.
  18. That’s what I thought when I saw this.
  19. This should be a bombshell if true, but like everything else shitty this Oompa Loompa has done, I’m sure nothing will come of it.
  20. Well, there’s one for starters: “Asked if Everton would be prepared to sell Gueye this month, Silva told the ECHO: ‘If you ask me if the club are interested in selling one of the most important players, I will say no.’” - from Dunc’s article above.
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