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Everything posted by Makis

  1. How would the club get decent players if Martinez is still manager in the summer? Where's the lure?
  2. He's not a particularly good defender. Makes lots of mistakes, has poor positioning both inside and outside the box, switches off several times per match and lacks pace. These issues are just multiplied when he plays alongside Stones who also has poor positioning and neither can organize a defence.
  3. 28 years, plays in Turkey, no-one has heard of him. 3.5 is just the tip of the iceberg, he'd be looking at 2 mil per year in salary.
  4. Of course and so he should in any club. Think that has been a major issue with the neighbours in the past, signing players that don't really fit the system the manager is using. But that's different to our model where the manager basically has the final say on any transfers as long as the financial constraints are met. During Moyes's time there were a few exceptions (Rooney and Arteta sold to appease the banks) but apart from that manager decides. But fear not: http://www.express.co.uk/sport/football/661753/Jose-Mourinho-Manchester-United-Gonzalo-Higuain-PSG-Premier-League-Louis-Van-Gaal-News
  5. Frankly, I have no idea. RM doesn't seem to give managers that power, for instance Pellegrini complained he had no say over transfers and that the team was all wrong. It was a band with 11 guitar players and no drummers, or something to that effect. Just checked and according to an article in the Guardian Mourinho didn't decide who Chelsea sign: http://www.theguardian.com/football/blog/2015/jul/03/premier-league-transfers-who-decides-club-buys
  6. Does he actually usually buy the players? In Real they don't allow the manager to sign players but what's the structure at Chelsea?
  7. Forsberg? Nah, don't like him, with a name like that he must be an icehockey player.
  8. That would be strange. The manager is the most important single appointment a club makes. Moshiri is not exactly someone who has no clue. He has been involved with Arsenal for years so he knows the score and doesn't have to rely on middlemen for important decisions. Moshiri most certainly will have the last say both whether to keep Martinez and if he's to be replaced, who takes over.
  9. If you read the story it suggests that the story originates from Bielsa's people. And I'd assume a Moshiri type manager is the one the club is looking from now on. Why should Kenwright have the last say with just over 10% of the shares?
  10. Lukaku I can understand as he doesn't strike me as a Bielsa type centre forward (except for his physique). Niasse looks more like it assuming he is any good. But Barkley doesn't look like someone why shys away from hard work. Deulofeu is also physically a decent fit (Bielsa likes his players to have pace) but whether he's prepared to put in the shift I don't know. Bielsa won't accept him standing with his arms on his hips on the centre-line while the opposition attacks.
  11. Forgot to add that I still think it's unlikely. My point was that it's not totally out of the question either, depends also a lot on what Moshiri can promise the new gaffer. There's an interesting project for sure. Plenty of promise in the team.
  12. Thing is, there aren't that many big teams with open positions. Only ManU in England, and there are many at the club who think Mourinho is the wrong type for them. Most top jobs in other big leagues are also gone. Milan could be a possibility, but they are midtable as well these days. Any clubs that have positions open outside of England will have much smaller budgets for next season. In England, this is the situation for the bigger clubs: - Arsenal: even if Wenger was to leave, they wouldn't hire Mourinho. - Chelsea: they are hardly going to get him back straight away. - ManC: Guardiola already has this gig. - ManU: No manager, but as I said doubts remain if they want him. - Spurs: Pochettino is safe. - Liverpool: As is Klopp. - West Ham: Bilic isn't going anywhere. - Newcastle & Villa: Going down. - Southampton: Only if Koeman goes (but somehow I can't see Mourinho at Southampton, not their style manager). - Sunderland: Hard to see Mourinho taking over that circus. The rest have significantly smaller budgets.
  13. He must be shite like every other player we are linked with.
  14. And it would be as stupid transfer policy to only buy established players from the top leagues because they cost a lot of money.
  15. That Suarez, he was shite him. I mean, you can't be serious? You have no idea and just decided he's not good enough. I gather Embolo is also out of question because the Swiss league is even worse? I have no other idea except that Janssen is highly rated.
  16. Because I noticed how you have been slagging off most of the players we have been linked with.
  17. Seriously, you don't seem to rate anyone.
  18. Naismith was absolutely useless for a long time after arriving, yet at one point people couldn't stop kissing his arse. Niasse was known to be a slow adapter, he took a while to get going in Russia, too.
  19. How depressing is this? We finally got that billionaire owner and all fans talk about is selling our best player.
  20. Emery is my favourite, too, but he is also an unknown quantity: really only done it at one club. Can he adapt to a different team in a different country? How good is his English?
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