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Everything posted by Makis

  1. Baines here too. Excellent, although I'm crap at defending. Come to think of it, I'm crap at football in general.
  2. That sort of team building is almost impossible at a competitive league like the Premier League because you end up paying for their potential as well meaning your team almost certainly is not as good quality-wise as otherwise. And how many times have teams succeeded with just young players? Ferguson did use a lot of players coming through the youth system but he also signed some experienced players who were key to their success in the 90's. As for signing players from Portugal and expecting success - Liverpool signed Markovic from there and he's exactly of the profile you are suggesting (young, promising).
  3. Weren't you the one on last Monday saying how the value has already gone back up?
  4. I wouldn't be suprised if Haf was happy to swap Lukaku with Robson Kanu.
  5. So, again the expectation is that a new manager will bring the best out of him? Just like when Martinez arrived.
  6. Then we should get rid of countries as well. Great Britain is a collection of nations and those nations could further be divided to smaller units. We need to go down to groups of just a few hundred to get to a level where those things don't matter.
  7. Nah, let's rather spend a big part of our transfer budget on a keeper who might be just a little bit better.
  8. Not the Turkey shit again. They are far, far away from gaining entrance to the EU so the whole thing is a moot point. They would need massive reforms in their society and politics to be even theoretically eligible. You might just as well use Russia as an example. And why would they all go to Belgium in any case? They would probably want to work and it would be obvious all going to the same small country would make that impossible.
  9. Er, yes. If you want free access to our markets you have to abide by our rules. And free movement is also an economic value, not just "other" policies. It's pretty much proven it increases economic growth in the area. Obviously not perhaps in every part but overall. http://www.economicshelp.org/blog/1386/economics/free-movement-of-labour/ http://blogs.lse.ac.uk/europpblog/2014/07/01/the-uk-has-been-one-of-the-main-beneficiaries-from-free-movement-of-labour-in-the-eu/(this is from two years ago)
  10. Because it is a core EU value and if you want free access to the economic zone you need to accept that as well. Soo... USA in the 19th century had free migration to keep fiefdoms in check? And I don't get the reference to the USSR. They had forced mass migrations but for a long time ordinary people were not allowed to move without permission. Interesting economic predictions about the Brexit: https://twitter.com/AlexWhite1812?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw
  11. It also includes free movement of people and workers so the immigration situation wouldn't change.
  12. How am I supposed to know which article you are thinking about? Why don't you just click the link?
  13. This blew my mind. For the brexiters in here, which side of that table do you identify more?
  14. One more thing about that list. Reading it it sounds like the EU parliament is actively trying to sabotage trade from the EU. There are no upsides, just a long list of things to make trade more difficult. And good thing this referendum wasn't about xenophobia or racism. http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/eu-referendum-racism_uk_576fe161e4b08d2c56396075?edition=uk
  15. Didn't Farage say he wants a second referendum if he looses the first?
  16. I have to say I can't figure out what EU has to do with half the points in Paul's message. And some are downright misleading. For instance, Germany didn't say that, some in Germany did. Thing is, Germany doesn't decide this alone even if they all agreed which they don't. And while US wants certain things in the TTIP with the entire EU why wouldn't they want the same things with UK? Things like that ISDS and the point about the cosmetics. Plus TTIP is not a foregone conclusion yet anyways. Finally there are quite a few points which I'm quite sceptical about (I doubt the UK government will do them) but let's wait and see.
  17. Did Steve really think there are zero brexit supporters in the continent? Because he sounds suprised someone managed to find a few.
  18. Poor excuses. Not everyone who voted for NSDAP were Nazi's, they were just disapointed. Net effect is you voted what the far right wanted. Plus Trump, Putin, Johnson etc.
  19. Never heard that but if he did say that I'd say it proves the point.
  20. Xabi Alonso said basically the same. Tackling is a last-ditch effort after something has gone wrong.
  21. He only started five games and played a total of 663 minutes in Serie A last season. All competitions considered he started 11 matches and was a sub in 19 matches totaling 814 minutes. In those he scored 8 goals so he scored a goal about every 100 minutes. At Sassuolo he scored about 1 in 3. Funnily enough a few months ago I suggested Zaza as a replacement for Lukaku. Not exactly the same type of course, but he's also big and strong and is a good finisher.
  22. Who exactly should we be linked with then realistically? Or should we enter laa-laa land? Would you be exited if we were linked with Messi?
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