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Everything posted by Makis

  1. Telegraph seems to have a headline "Manchester City agree 59.5 million pound price for John Stones" (or something to that effect) but I can't read the article as it requires registration. https://twitter.com/TeIeFootbaIl/status/756557014768254977 Telegraph Football ‏@TeIeFootbaIl 2h2 hours ago BREAKING: Manchester City agree £59.5m fee for John Stones #mcfc http://bit.ly/2a1VBsA
  2. Wijnaldum cost the same 25 million and which one would you rather have? That's the going rate, there's absolutely no point in comparing to last year's prices. If you come up with a price that sounds right, please somehow explain it, and not by comparing to last season. How do you reckon Sigurdsson's value is anything else than what the buyer is willing to pay and seller is willing to accept?
  3. Would be a good signing. Great attitude, good team player. Works hard for the team and is humble. Scores and creates chances.
  4. Wijnaldum is a decent player but hardly our first priority. So not really arsed.
  5. Just wondering why you think he's quality? Is he really a top-four PL keeper instead of just having a few good games in the EC?
  6. Did you even know about him before the EC?
  7. Judging potential DoFs is harder than managers. They are not just head scouts, they need to oversee the academy and ultimately a new manager when that time comes. I'm expecting that the club does a thorough job on any candidates rather than just look at which players they have scouted. And he signed more than just those three, to be precise. Practically the entire Leicester squad has been signed while he was there. Drinkwater, Huth, Morgan, Albrighton and Ulloa were also picked by him. The interesting thing is that those were practically rejects but someone - maybe him - spotted the potential in them. Overmars has done the job, but I wouldn't call it stellar. Latest news I saw was them spending another 15 million on youngsters when their squad is already filled with young players, even on those very same positions. What they actually need are some older heads. Ajax has spent stupid money on poor signings for years so I would really not want Overmars.
  8. I think he refers to the cut Stones would otherwise get.
  9. I only care what Koeman thinks. If he doesn't think McCarthy is right type he should be sold.
  10. That's assuming Mata really wants to come to Everton rather than other clubs that are interested.
  11. But that's the thing. I hope it's not dementia as you already agreed proven quality costs stupid money. Witsel is quoted at 30 million and he's hardly proven quality. Koulibaly - even if he's interested - will cost more than that, using most of Stones's transfer fee. If you want proven top-four quality players, you get maybe three and use up all of the transfer funds. Which would mean not strenghtening at least two positions that need it (we need at least a GK, CB, CM, ACM and FW).
  12. My solution is to not look at just how many goals and assists someone gave because everyone with an internet connection can do that. Rather find out players who have qualities that the club needs. Say, Koeman wants his wingers to put in crosses similar to what Deulofeu did (low crosses to the six yard box). So he might want to find a left winger who can do that plus works hard. There might well be a winger like that who didn't get too many assists last season because his club doesn't have anyone who can take advantage of those crosses. But he works hard (can't see that from the stats either), is quick and a good dribbler so gets into good crossing positions and can really whip them in. Leicester did something similar with Kante. They looked beyond the easy stats and found a real gem.
  13. So how do you think the club can sign the caliber of players you want without making the highest bid?
  14. Doesn't it prove the exact opposite of being a mercenary if he doesn't pick the highest bid as his first choice? And I bet Mata isn't an Evertonian either.
  15. I don't care about that. If I was offered two jobs, one with exciting opportunities and one with a much bigger salary but only a promise that the company aims to grow big so that it can in the future offer those same chances I would also consider my options very thoroughly. I might well ask the first company if they could up their bid to make the difference smaller.
  16. Players are mercenaries. Get used to it. They might say things but in the end they do what is best for *them*. Why would any player come to Everton otherwise? Especially now, after finishing 11th twice and with no European football? If you want something else, forget the transfer market and just play the kids. Of course this would mean dropping down a few divisions but at least there wouldn't be too many mercenaries. For players it's just a job. They enjoy working more in some teams just like any of us would in our field. The idea that players play for a team because they love it is long gone. Players join Everton because the money is good, some because they feel they can develop and maybe move to a bigger club, some might be interested working with Koeman and so on. But if we only allow players who are fans of Everton to join the list of potential recruits is awfully short.
  17. He's not a striker for starters. And if Ligue 1 is shite then Eredivision and Liga NOS are absolute garbage. What you are basically saying is that you without even seeing a player can make a better judgement than a pro who has scouted the player? You can't be serious. This is some kind of pisstake?
  18. Here's a brief scout report on him: http://www.faceoffootball.com/2016/03/27/scout-report-on-diego-rolan-bordeaux-uruguay/
  19. He seems more an attacking midfielder than a pure forward. Can play in either wing as well. And I'm not sure if Paddock is being serious or not. Hope not.
  20. But how many did you have to retake the test?
  21. He knew this was a brilliant chance to get a move away from Newcastle.
  22. We've had plenty of highly rated youngsters in the past who never made it.
  23. He played as LB and his performances dropped in the latet games.
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