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Everything posted by Makis

  1. That would work for a number of reasons: where do you find promising youngsters for a million? We already have good youngsters in our Academy, no point in paying money for lesser players. There really aren't that many young players to be had for little money any more. Cook for instance cost £7m, rising to £10m. Would you take players with a lot less potential? Selling clubs are not usually mugs either so why would they sell potential Premier League players cheaply? And if the club did sign lots of youngsters what would they do with them? Release all the existing Academy players? Loan them all over like Chelsea do (treatment of some of their youngsters is really poor)? Chelsea do your moneyball thingy and how many of the youngsters they have bought now play in their first team? And why pick an arbitrary number like a million while we are at it? Where did you get that price? Why not just sign players only on free? You seem to think that price doesn't matter so why pay anything at all?
  2. What point? That if you pay lots for a teenager he's bound to be shite but if you pay a paltry sum he's going to be great? Just answer me this: do you think your logic (what ever it is) also holds true with "grown-up" players?
  3. Henen, how many games has he played for the first team? As for prices: Martial cost £36m, Moura cost £28m, Shaw £31m, Rooney was £28m all those years back. Those youngsters who cost a few mil cost a few mil for a reason. You could just as well list cheap players of any age and conclude that you can sign good players cheaply so no point in paying over 10 million for anyone.
  4. Villa last year was way worse than what their lineup should have suggested. Look at Gana. That guy has been brilliant for us so far.
  5. Ok, I have to agree I worded that question poorly. The only hint is in the last option, " PL teams don't have shite players in their starting elevens. Might not be good enough for EFC, though.".
  6. Niasse and McGeady are nowhere near the starting eleven, though.
  7. On the contrary, lack of answer is an answer in itself. And there have been some good comments.
  8. And if that penalty count is somehow relevant, Kane and Vardy scored 5, Aguero and Mahrez 4.
  9. There are some good comments on that thread you should check out. And he scored six penalties. Leicester, you know, the team that a champions and did so by doing shrewd business bid for him. He chose to sign a new contract when Watford turned down a 30 million offer. You are basically saying that both Leicester and Watford backroom staff know f*k all. Or alternatively you think 30 million is the going rate for shite forwards.
  10. I realise the problem with the leagues and that's why I added a comment about it on my first post.
  11. If I get enough responses it gives an idea of how a shite player is defined by people.
  12. I put a poll in the general sports section, go answer that. I diss the use of the word "shite" because Deeney clearly is anything but. Only Kane, Vardy, Aguero, Lukaku, Mahrez, Giroud, Ighalo and Defoe scored more. And out of those only Mahrez and Vardy had more assists. So if Deeney is a Championship player you must think there are just a few non-Championship level forwards in the Premier League which is utterly ridiculous. If you disagree with this, list the PL level forwards playing in PL. This is also because Deeney does more than just score and assist goals. He is their captain and is a big influence on and off the pitch. Everyone makes mistakes in their jobs. Well, maybe you are the one exception but I know I have done them and will do them in the future. That doesn't mean that some random punter who has used a computer can tell me how to do my job. This is more or less the situation here. You have seen some matches but unless you have played or managed at a relatively high level you know very little. As do I, but at least I can admit it.
  13. I agree with you but when I have raised this up (a few times) after a player has been called shite here I've pretty much been told to f*ck off because people are allowed to have opinions. But that's not why I set this poll up. I'm genuinely interested as it seems a lot of people have strong opinions.
  14. Yes, I'm trying to gauge this opinion. Vardy was probably considered shite by most people who didn't watch him regularly before last season.
  15. Inspired by the Troy Deeney thread where once again a player who clearly is not shite is labeled as one. So I got curious on how this whole shiteness thing is seen by people. So I'm trying to gauge the opinion on how many players are considered shite in general and which leagues mostly have shite players. Think of the last question as if you see us linked with a player you don't know (assuming you are not very familiar with that league) from that league is your first thought "he's probably shite" before checking the player out. I picked series we have either signed or at least been linked with players from.
  16. No, I think you are obnoxious because you say players are shite. That's not even discussion, it's basically saying "I don't like this player even though I have no f**ng clue". It also looks like you only rate players in two categories: shite or great when the truth is there are not many Championship level players who are key players in their teams in the PL. That's like saying those teams are Championship level. Watford finished 10th - above us - so is half the Premier League Championship level? Or how come Watfore finished that high up if their team is so shite? I happen to trust people and their judgement who are on top of the game more. Would you have signed Vardy or is he also a Championship player? We are not going to beat other teams by spending more, Moshiri or no Moshiri. It's about getting the RIGHT personnel, not the best.
  17. If there's one pretentious dick here it's you. You think you know players better than people who actually get their living out of it. You think you look smart saying this and that and almost every player is shite when in fact it's the opposite. It makes you look a right tosser. As for those thirteen goals, there were only seven players in the PL who scored more and not that many who made more assists either. Plus he's their captain. Me, I think Watford needs him more than us and that's why he is valued so highly. And he's 28 so his value is now as high as it gets.
  18. He's fucking not dreadful. 13 goals and 8 assists in the PL is one proof, another is that other clubs are willing to shell out massive amounts of money and third is Watford still wouldn't sell. But I guess he isn't some exciting johnny foreigner people have never seen play so he must be shite.
  19. BREAKING NEWS Moussa Sissoko en route to Everton to undergo a medical ahead of a proposed club-record £30m move from Newcastle, Sky sources understand.
  20. Are you comparing PL with the Portuguese league? Jesus, I'm not sure you are serious. By your logic no-one could ever buy anyone half decent.
  21. There is no way Hart is overrated considering the amount of shite aimed at him. I think it's down to the gutter press looking for culprits. Hart makes a mistake -> defeat was his fault even though the entire team was shite. And then people pick up on this and suddenly it's fact.
  22. So they decided to fill the most important spot in the team with a shite homegrown player for eight seasons?
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