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Everything posted by Makis

  1. It's hard to compare because First Division at the time were different as were the stadiums for many clubs. Highest attendances in England were seen after the war and in the first half of the 50's. Highest ever average attendance in the First Division / Premier League was in 1949, 38.792. Currently the averages are low 36.000's.
  2. Everton's highest ever attendance was in 62-63 with an average of 51,603. So even the club was arguably the big club and one of the biggest in the country *and* tickets were cheap as chips *and* matches were not televised *and* people didn't have as many other ways to spend their time the attendace was still over 8000 short of that 60,000.
  3. Schneiderlin also wasn't good enough to play for them so he should fuck off, too.
  4. It was just why I tend to feel a bit iffy doing these listings, nothing more. Of course there are loads of suggestions that clearly are stupid on more than one way and most of the rest is just people talking about players they have probably not even seen play, or maybe seen once and base their opinion on that. It's totally understandable that normal people don't see that many players outside their favourite team because it would take an enormous amount of time to follow even the Premier League adequately.
  5. Schneiderlin wasn't good enough for them either.
  6. Sanchez not as good as he thinks? Who does he think he is, Messi? He's scored 18 goals and assisted 9 so far in 25 starts plus three subs.
  7. Werner already rejected a move to RS I believe, wanting to stay at his current club to develop as a player.
  8. Something like that would be good. I'm basing my opinion on the wish that he's maybe a bit fed up at United, having won everything he can there and maybe changing to his boyhood club could motivate him and he'd have an indian summer. Let's not forget that when Rooney plays well he's damn good. And a winner, something our current squad lacks (he might have more trophies than the entire current Everton squad).
  9. For me no transfer fee means this is a bit of a no-brainer. Any player of his quality would want at least 100k anyways plus transfer fee. A bigger stumbling block I feel could how long a contract he wants, because something like four years would be too long.
  10. I mean how people think signing players in real life is like in a game. There are much more variables in real life plus people on forums base their opinions on players on very little actual fact (I'm guilty of the same). There's more to building a good team than just picking the best available players. Some things to consider: Would the player be interested in coming and is he available at a price we might be willing to pay? How much wages would he demand and would he have other demands (for instance apparently Hart wanted guarantees of first team football)? FFP need to be remembered, even if the player is a free transfer. Would he be value for money? For instance, if a player had a poor season is it his real level or are there other issues that can be overcome? And vice versa, if a player had a good season is that his normal level? Walsh was very good at Leicester at finding players in the former category and I hope he does it again. They would be players a lot of the fans would criticize because "he's shite, lad" simply because they can't see behind the circumstances. Would he fit in with the existing group, mentally? Does he have a good attitude? What is he like in the locker room? Is he a winner-type or someone who hides when things get rough? Does he fit with the way Koeman wants the team to play? Spurs for instance is very much built to Pocchetino's specifications (fast, strong, physical). Most of these are things we punters just can't know because having seen a player once or twice or even five times is just not enough. And even then we wouldn't know many important things about the player.
  11. I don't really fancy these Football Manager posts, but I'll still have a quick go. From that list I'd release Stekelenburg and sell Funes Mori, Jags, Garbutt, McCarthy, Besic, Mirallas and Lennon. None of these are good enough and some would generate decent money (FM, McCarthy and Mirallas should each be worth about 10 mil). It would also free up a lot of wages. Barry has a year left and I doubt anyone would pay for him so let him sit that out. Sanchez or someone of his caliber would be an important signing for a number of reasons, one of which is to show Lukaku Everton do really want to win things, and not sometime in 2020 but preferrably next season, and to qualify for the Champions League. So my first team could look something like this: Perin / Ruffier (we have been linked with both) Coleman - Williams - Keane - Baines Gana Gueye - Schneiderlin Barkley Bakumbu - Lukaku - Sanchez The bench would still be strong, with the addition of some young fullback. Failing Sanchez, Sigurdsson would be a good choice for the attacking positions but not really a statement signing. But making a top quality signing has many elements to it, so it's hard to tell who else might be on the move. We are not going to just pick up a player of Sanchez's quality (and even though he will be sold next summer he'd still be very, very unlikely to sign for us even if the club was willing to pay the transfer fee).
  12. I would move heaven and earth to try to get Sanchez. He'll be leaving Arsenal. Not only is he a top player, he's got the right attitude. Bakambu sounds like a good one, too. This season not so good, but really quick and skillfull and also intelligent. We'd have a sick attack with those two added. Sanchez - Lukaku - Bakambu... with Barkley & Schneiderlin providing the ammo. Keane or someone in his ilk to defense. If there's still money inside the couch, a good keeper & a promising LB (Baines can still play a good number of games).
  13. Everyone is listing players who will take couple of years to fulfill their potential. Exciting, yes, but not the best way to get top four and CL football. So I'd like the club to bring in also players who are ready NOW to play at the required level.
  14. Blaming him for both of Lukaku's goals is ridiculous. That backpass was shocking, no way any defender can expect that.
  15. Defenders, especially from other clubs, are very difficult to judge. Most fans seem to struggle with defenders they watch every week. Many Evertonians thought Funes Mori is a good defender, after all. At least with forwards you can watch a Youtube clip...
  16. Leicester won the PL with Huth and Morgan. It's not as much about having two worldies as having guys who work well together.
  17. You would throw in 11 Mirallas's if that was possible.
  18. He would be perfect in so many ways. Leads by example, works hard, creates and scores goals, intelligent, great teamplayer, good age, can play in multiple positions. Bit of a no-brainer for under 30 million in todays market.
  19. We are being linked with Stephane Ruffier, along with West Ham and that other lot: http://www.football.london/west-ham-united-fc/transfer-news/who-stephane-ruffier-everything-you-12673573
  20. He could be our defensive lynchpin for the next decade.
  21. His manager said he'll be expensive, but I would think "expensive" is a different thing in the Juniper league than Premier League.
  22. Forsberg, Isak, Lindelöf, Vestergaard, Delaney, Dolberg.
  23. This was back in 2002 and I'm still scarred by the experience. Seattle wasn't too bad except that moving around was a bit of a drag. Went to the Boeing factory and it took ages to get back to downtown Seattle by bus. Seaside was nice, as was the market.
  24. Rooney would get 100k+ from Everton as well. He's a player who has a lot of worth outside the pitch as well, don't forget that.
  25. I watched a baseball match once in Seattle and it was mind-numblingly boring. Fortunately I didn't have to pay for it.
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