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Everything posted by Makis

  1. But then the World Cup is starting and nothing gets done. Eventually the new gaffer is hired late in July.
  2. This part? Want to read more? Register with a few details to continue reading this article.
  3. So is that station closer to the site than the ones near BMD?
  4. Well, I'm happy as pig in shit for the fact the club will never build a stadium in Garston.
  5. Not long ago John wanted the stadium at Finch Farm. No chance you live around there is there? Airport is inconsequential. How many will fly to Liverpool, go to the match and the fly right back? Nope, they will still book a hotel somewhere, visit the city centre etc. Garston is absolutely miles from the city centre while BMD is practically a walking distance.
  6. Has worked with Silva before, Silva's tactics needs someone like him & we don't have anyone in that mold already.
  7. No way, we will sign someone to replace Baines. Baines might still stay for a year as backup. If Robinson develops further he might be in contention next year.
  8. He's done nothing so far to suggest he should be anywhere near Everton's shortlist. Tactically has lost several games, and he likes slow build-up, but it's not very effective. Opponents have unravelled it with a high press. Quick attacks work better.
  9. And let me guess, then he wants to go on holiday and decide after that?
  10. Walcott was sold by a club that will finish sixth because he wasn't deemed good enough for them. Tosun still needs to improve, of course service has been horrible but I doubt any of the top six would sign him based on these performances. Just look at their strikers and tell which player he would replace. Bench at best. Jags and Keane are miles off. Mori, someone's having a laugh? Baines is past it and is just about holding on to his place because we've got no-one better.
  11. The difference here is that if you do find a good DoF then that good manager leaving is not such a big deal. And a good manager can somewhat offset a not-so-good DoF. Will Burnley find as good a manager when Dyche leaves? Probabilities are against that. Especially as the squad is now all his doing.
  12. I wish we could go back to the time when people were able to write coherent messages.
  13. Those guys have been at their clubs exactly because they have been punching above their weight. We had Moyes who did the same. But it's really hard to find a manager who does better than average on the long run and still stays at the club instead of moving to bigger and better things. DoF thing is prevalent in other big leagues as well as US sports. The thing to realise is that a good DoF is more important and more influential than a good manager.
  14. If someone thinks two years sounds pessimistic, nine of the current PL managers have been at their job for less than a year. Further three for less than two. So only 8 managers have been at their club for more than two years. Further three for less than three years. Only Wenger, Howe, Dyche, Pocchettino and Hughton have been at their club for more than three years. That's exactly one quarter. Without a DoF picking the manager would also be left to amateurs, like the CEO and board. They pick the next manager who is then given a transfer fund to buy players that happen to fit his philosophy (+ some old players he gets along with).
  15. Why? You rather have a model where the manager is changed to a completely different type every two years so the squad is always full of deadweight who don't fit into the current manager's style?
  16. So you're happy for a single shot on target against Newcastle while that other lot thump five goals in the Champion's League semi-final? And that was no single incident, Everton has second least shots on target this season. And a lot of it has to do with the negative tactics.
  17. Picked from Twitter, a very tenous link but Rubin Kazan forward Sardar Azmoun. Rumoured interest from Britain (not for the first time, mind). Former target of Brands & same nationality as Moshiri. Not maybe one to get the pulse racing, though.
  18. You seriously need to check what a strawman argument is.
  19. If they still have contracts running why would they?
  20. Depends on who they are planning to sign.
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