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Posts posted by AlbanyNYToffee

  1. IN: Pickford Klaassen Onyekuru Ramirez Keane Rooney
    OUT: Kone Cleverley McAleny Deulofeu Rom
    LOAN IN: Donkor
    LOAN OUT: Onyekuru Galloway Browning
    YOUTH: Markelo Mathis Bowler
    U-23s EXTENSIONS: Charsley Broadhead Hewelt Duffus Jones Dyson Kiersey Lavery Brammall Gray Robinson Jones
    EXTENSIONS (since January): Pennington DCL Mirallas Davies Coleman

  2. Some misc. chatter about kit numbers. May make most sense to continue in this thread.


    1 Joel

    2 Schneiderlin

    3 Baines


    5 Williams

    6 Jags


    8 Barkley


    10 Rooney

    11 Mirallas

    12 Lennon


    14 Bolasie


    16 McCarthy

    17 Gueye

    18 Barry



    21 Besic

    22 Stek

    23 Coleman

    24 Tarashaj

    25 Funes Mori

    26 Davies

    27 Browning

    28 Dowell

    29 DCL

    30 Holgate

    31 Lookman

    32 Galloway

    38 Pennington

    39 Grant


    TBC: Pickford Klaassen Sandro Keane

    No #: Garbutt McGeady Niasse Leandro

  3. Rooney leaving us was the single worst thing I have ever experienced as an Everton fan. I remember feeling physically sick - at that point he looked like he could have been the greatest ever, he was one of ours and he left at 18, it just underlined to me how fucking unfair and bullshit the football industry could be.


    For me he never came close to living up to his potential, especially in international football. being the all-time record England goalscorer will never disguise how poor he was in tournaments after Euro 2004.


    Am I happy to have him back? Of course I bloody am. There hasn't been any time in the last 13 years when I wouldn't have wanted him back. Yes, I don't think he became the world beater he should have been, but he has still been up their in the world class bracket, and has a medal collection to prove it. And yes, he's 31 and his best days are behind him. He might not even be our best player on the pitch next season.


    But what really excites me about what is going on at the club at the moment is that Moshiri seems to have a very clear long term plan. Off the pitch, he's doing the right things to turn us into a serious footballing brand again. On it, we're investing massively in youth, which will give us a strong business (through future transfers) and footballing platform.


    I am absolutely certain Rooney will have a massive role to play in both. In commercial terms, we've just signed one of the genuine superstars of the world game. Rooney just wearing an Everton shirt makes us massively more marketable. On the pitch, we're signing a role model for the younger players, someone who knows how to win the league, the cups, the Europa and Champions League. What young player wouldn't get a buzz out of playing alongside someone like him? It will give everyone a lift, and I think he has actually matured into a pretty good captain and leader (just not for England!).


    Finally, I think he comes here with a point to prove. Everyone has written him off, said he's not good enough at the top level anymore. Maybe they're right, but this is Roy of the Rovers stuff for him. He's a passionate guy anyway, you know he will be giving his absolute all to come back and lead us to glory. Having a player of his calibre, with his experience, fired up and motivated the way he will be - what could possibly go wrong lol!

    Great post.

  4. Anyone hear of rumored amounts? I heard 10m but haven't seen a credible source say how much the deal is worth yet.

    Most credible thing I've seen is that it was used as informal part of Rom deal. Instead of fee rising to 100m it rises to 90m instead. If you want to say he cost 10m in addition to wages I think that's fair.

  5. IN: Pickford Klaassen Onyekuru Ramirez Keane Rooney
    OUT: Kone Cleverley McAleny Deulofeu
    LOAN IN: Donkor
    LOAN OUT: Onyekuru Galloway Browning
    YOUTH: Markelo Mathis Bowler
    U-23s EXTENSIONS: Charsley Broadhead Hewelt Duffus Jones Dyson Kiersey Lavery Brammall Gray Robinson Jones
    EXTENSIONS (since January): Pennington DCL Mirallas Davies Coleman

  6. Fully on board with this. Statement of intent and nostalgia at the same time. His wages won't suck the life out of the club anymore and RK won't be bullied into playing him if he isn't effective. What he brings behind the scenes will win us a few games this season just by changing the mentality of the team.

  7. This will be one awful lot of subs


    OUT: Stek, McCarthy, Coleman, Bolasie, Mori, DCL, Lookman, Kenny, Dowell, Lennon




    Holgate Williams Jags Baines

    Schneiderlin Gana Davies

    Barkley Rom Mirallas


    Bench: Hewelt Barry Besic Valencia Pennington Kone ???

    ??? turns into Joe Williams.

  8. This will be one awful lot of subs


    OUT: Stek, McCarthy, Coleman, Bolasie, Mori, DCL, Lookman, Kenny, Dowell, Lennon




    Holgate Williams Jags Baines

    Schneiderlin Gana Davies

    Barkley Rom Mirallas


    Bench: Hewelt Barry Besic Valencia Pennington Kone ???

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