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Posts posted by AlbanyNYToffee

  1. Reminder Summer 2017. Let's see how January goes...

    IN: Pickford Klaassen Onyekuru Ramirez Keane Rooney Martina Sigurdsson Vlasic
    OUT: Kone Cleverley McAleny Deulofeu Rom McGeady Duffus Barry
    LOAN IN: Donkor
    LOAN OUT: Onyekuru Galloway Browning Pennington JWilliams Dowell Robinson Grant Connolly Walsh
    YOUTH: Markelo Mathis Bowler LGibson Adeniran

  2. 30 minutes ago, milesey05 said:

    Played that 2nd half with 10 men so great draw 

    Spot on. One of my favorite games of the year thus far. 


    That was an immense performance from Siggy. Had to be the hardest a player has worked all season. 


    Keane’s defending.

    pickford worth every penny. England 1 for next decade.

    DCL great for being so young/inexperienced.

    I miss Coleman but Kenny is fantastic.

    Baningime came on in tough spot and moved the ball very well.

    Schneiderlin is still a tit but playing much much better. 


    Sandro was completely useless. Might as well have sat down on the pitch.

    Keane’s offense. Passing and free header.

    Officiating has been good this year, Madley had a rough one today. 

  3. We're targeting LB and ST...rightly so. But who needs to go?

    Sandro Mirallas McCarthy Niasse Klaassen Besic Stek 

    For me Mirallas and Stek should be gone. Sandro sold or loan. Klaassen loan. Keep McCarthy Besic and Niasse.

    Personally would love to see Williams and Schneiderlin go but I'm not pretending it will happen.

  4. On 12/5/2017 at 14:25, AlbanyNYToffee said:


    Feeney Keane ?? Martina

    Klaassen McCarthy Baningime

    Vlasic Sandro Lookman

    Subs: Hewelt Charsley Broadhead Denny Hornby Collins ??

    Rested: Pickford Williams Jags Rooney Lennon Gueye Gylfi Niasse Davies DCL Holgate Kenny

    Out: Baines Bolasie Barkley Besic Seamus Mori 

    Fuck off: Mirallas Schneiderlin


    Was pretty close I guess? 


    Collins Besic Feeney

    Charsley Klaassen Schneiderlin Baningime

    Vlasic Mirallas Lookman

    Subs: Hewelt Hornby Denny Broadhead Duke-McKenna Lavery Gordon

  5. Same problem now as when Koeman was hired. Dead weight from previous manager. Schneiderlin and Klaassen have to go. Mirallas non-existent for 3 yrs...get him out. Ashley Williams. Sandro. Martina. Stek. Yikes.

    Joel deserves a move so he can play. 

    Realistic Needs: Backup GK, LB, CB, ST 

    Actual Needs: CB, LB, DCM, 3 wingers, 2 strikers

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