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Everything posted by StevO

  1. had a bit of a footy game feast at the week end. played fifa 06, pro evo 4, and pro evo 5. i am a fifa fan, but i thought fifa 06 was better than pro evo 5, but i thought pro evo 4 was better than them both, so quite disapointed about pro evo 5 tbh. but i like the look of fifa, everything on the screen looks good, 10/10 for presentation
  2. when vaughn is "uninjured" im sure they'll take his rehab REALLY SLOW! he is still growing, and an injury like that can end a career if not looked after properly, so im sure Baz will be wrapping him in cotton wool for a while yet
  3. the potential is getting there, we have got some strength coming through. if we can get a steady defence coming along hibbo--yobo--kroldrup--valente/ferrari then that can only help give the midfield the confidence to attack. for me a line up of arteta--cahill--neville--VDM could really take the game to most teams. neville to just hold back a little letting the wingers get up there, we all know where cahill will be, hanging round the back post. for me the only question is who is the best choice to play up front with BT? only time will tell!
  4. dithering didnt nearly lose us arteta, pushing the deal down saved us about £5k a week, now thats a lot of cash to me, and good business. what an inspired move puttin him on the right! personally the best signing is neville, was gutted reading the headlines (manc friends reassuring me he wont let us down) has showed why he has more medals than the rest of our squad put together. still hopefull of BT as ive made known on here many times. also hopefull yobo will stop the mistakes and become a great player (he is a DM signing) VDM could become a superb signing if we can keep him fit
  5. i think all are winnable from now till about jan the way the league is goin this term
  6. from radio city only; every time davies did anythin barry horne was chuffed to pieces from watchin footy first; davies played quite well. from radio city; defence was absolutely superb from watchin footy first; yobo was great, weir was slow from radio city; VDM is the best sigingin the prem ever from watchin footy first; VDM is the best signing in the world ever
  7. i know we aint done the best, but i always believe more points than games you play is safe to stay in the prem. and 28 from 24 is not relegation form, it s not got enough, but it isnt relegation
  8. played pro evo 5 last nite, now ive always been a fifa man myself, but i thought pro evo 4 was a superb game, but pro evo 5 just isnt as good, seems like its gone down hill. was not impressed!
  9. its on local radio here, thanks anyway pat
  10. has anybody got a link to a live feed to watch the match today? HELP
  11. im sure the site said wilson could get a game at LB
  12. fair comment foz, but i do see the problems with the club, but i have to look at the good points if i can, or id be a RS
  13. martyn hobbo yobo weir kilbane arteta cahill neville VDM beattie ferguson would rather see kroldrup than weir, but i doubt we will
  14. im with goldfish and rowlo foz if you cant see any sign of possibility or improvment then why bother goin the game? why bother spending your time supporting a team if you dont want to SUPPORT? im not havin a dig, but ive never seen anybody with so much negativity about something they care so much about
  15. bent is a journey man for a reason, he loses interest easily, andpeople realise he isnt a goal scorer. he'll be somewhere else in the summer. should hve took the £2.5m when city wanted him. probably be a part ex for nugent. as long as scoland keep playin mcfadden, we could get maybe £2m for him from the SPL
  16. he looked great on soccer am, the anticipation over the next couple of years will grow like ith rooney. all get prayin lads, we could have another gem in the jewellery box here boys and girls.
  17. StevO

    Everton V Boro

    arteta was involved in everythin, my new biggest concern is now keeping hold of him! beattie is looking fitter and more sharp, 90mins under his belt, but he is cryin out for a partner! we had bags of posession (boro barely had the ball for the first 20mins) if only we could use it better. about 10 decent crosses today, just none of them became proper chances! its so frustrating seeing them play good, but still no product to end it with. and we are so close to becoming a good team, but close is not good enough at this time!
  18. in fairness to hibbo, he looked confident going forward (untill they scored) and linked up well with arteta, seem to be striking up a nice partnership, and his crosing is improving too
  19. who are you all talking about??? i only seen them nice fancy motors! drooolllll
  20. i was quite impressed, had a good touch, and good crosses. showed some of the skill and flaire we've been hoping for. but the one thing he showed more than anythin, is there will soon be no place for kilbane on our left side of midfield. in a 442 our full strength midfield could be quite tasty. arteta--cahill--neville--VDM
  21. of course its not fell off, if it did he wouldnt be on here, hed be mourning his dad who died choking on his little cock!
  22. while we judge game by game, we beat palace 4-1, so we are the best team in mereyside once again! YAY!
  23. StevO

    Everton V Boro

    my mates kid brother waited for autographs after the chelsea game. he asked VDM when we will see him playin, he said to him he should see him on wednesday, he said Per too. the talk in the lounges after the chelsea game was the Per and VDM were not played incase it was a major defeat, and not wanting to knock confidence out of players that are only just coming into the side.
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