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Everything posted by StevO

  1. personally i wouldnt replace hibbo with any of those 3, they may be better goin forward, but in a defencive manner i dont think they are as strong. hibberts crossing is (slowly) improving. i like your suggestions for a left winger, but id rather buy a right winger, as when vdm turn on a full back they cant do anythin about it. again, good shouts with your strikers too. welcome to the site
  2. osman - arteta - cahill - vdm for me at the mo
  3. i was in the directors box on wed and i was told my a couple of shareholder in the lounge after the game, BK had 3 solid offers to sell up in the last 18months, but he wouldnt even return the phone calls tit
  4. my moment was the newcastle game, party all day long, drunk, chinese, sleeping in the ex birds toilet in my own vomit, ah they were the days! and he may have left but i believe rooney to be better than stevie me p.s. redofmerseyside, learn to spell stevy you think fook
  5. yep, welcome to the best blue forum on the web good to see any celebrations at the mo, but it does seem to raise a few smiles - cheers timmy
  6. id take him for a year or so, use him as a stop gap till we get someone in/youth come through
  7. i hold high regard for fowler his ability to score goals, and the way hes always up for a laugh/bit of stick with the Goodison crowd
  8. we will never again see a fully fit fowler, but one would score more than most strikers in this league
  9. Alan Ball from Blackpool......now that is how to win this argument!
  10. i think he can get at least 10 this season, more if he gets a partner
  11. sorry fellas, but i agree with DM, i honestly think BT is lookin better. (ive held alot of faith in him, but i do think hes starting to perform.) he has scored 6 since jan, i know its not major, but i dont want to see him short lol but he tries to look like hes working hard by chasing lost causes, which end up with him having to put the cross in, when he needs to be in the box more. guess ill just have to hope he proves me right!
  12. firstly - spurs have massive money making ability due to one thing - location! your a foreign investor, do you want to go to liverpool or london? no questions asked, only one winner here! secondly - the football in the community runs similar "occasions" to most of these mentioned, not sure on more details though
  13. isnt the kings dock now gunna be an indoor arena? east lancs road would be a decent spot for a new place
  14. we dont want someone who MK Dons are happy to let go
  15. i do tend to agree with every post you make rob, but one thing i find (please dont critasize [spelling] me for this fellas) the more i read negative posts the more negative i feel, but if someone makes a good positive point i get filled with hope. god im confused right now!
  16. superb film, i thought the best bit was when he started touchin himself when his therapist hyponotised him. the "head" was very frightening (and im a grown man)
  17. i thought valente did ok, better than the other shite at the back
  18. i know its nothin much, but people in the pub were sayin Aaron Lennon cant settle in london and wants to move up north. and its us and united who are interested
  19. i felt quite sorry for wright, hes playin ok but hisdefence is a shitter! and mcfadden and beattie ran their arse off, but no service at all!
  20. its a sad time at the moment. little experiment, so lets all pick what our strongest 11 would be, lets see if moyes would agree! im sure we would all be a little similar (and im sure no one will have a certain mr Weir in their side) martyn hibbo yobo per neville© arteta cahill davies VDM beattie faddy
  21. wright yobo valente arteta cahill neville davies beattie mcfadded bench; kilbane kroldrup turner bent so ferguson weir and hibbo were the only ones who werent moyes signings
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