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Everything posted by StevO

  1. i believe kenwright does what he thinks is best for the club, but i believe wyness does whats best for wyness. kenwright isnt the bad guy, i just think he employed someone who has not been successfull in business for many years. and as ceo wyness is the man in charge of efc, and that is what worries me more than anything.
  2. his current guiding expert i business is mr wyness, who has a history that includes bankruptcy.
  3. BK is no more a businessman than shane ward or loenna lewis. he is a play writer, director and producer, even an actor one day a long time ago. but he is not a businessman, nor has he ran a business. just wanted to point that out.
  4. you cant blame the board for anythin to do with arshavin mate, DM or the club have never publically said they were trying to buy him. we have no idea if moyes even asked them to try for them to be able to fuck it up. the board would not have singled out fletcher, thats moyes job. i am by no means a fan of the board, but dont blame them for moyes decisions.
  5. you say you only hear what these groups want you to hear, well you also only hear what the people at everton want you to hear. have they gone public about any of the transport issues? no. did they tell everyone the club will get the stadium for almost nothing? yes. did they eventually say it will cost £78m? yes. its the same on both sides mate, dont think its just KEIOC spinning what they want people to hear, tesco kbc and everton have all been spinning this since day one. only it seems you believe thse people because they sit in ivory towers rather than the lads who sit with the rest of us but spend their time fighting for the truth. if, heaven forbid, we end up in kirkby with a nice shiney new stadium we can afford to pay for, walking from outside the town boundaries because we cant park anywhere, your support for bk and kw will shine on, and maybe that alone will bring us back to the top. or maybe we'll just lose this once great club.
  6. had a big download sesh today. dont hold me on the titles, cant remember. black kids - partie tramatism ting tings - we started nothin jamiriqui - high times the singles kings of leon - aha shake heart break, youth 7 young manhood, sign of the times (did have all these previosly but left them behind on my old laptop. paul wellar - 22 dreams. bring some ratings asap
  7. i dont think its gone downhill, its the summer. we always have a quiet summer. the only thing to talk about is speculation. when the season is up and running we get much busier, have plenty more to talk about. when europe is up and running and we have two or three games a week this place will always be packed. stick around mike, or at least come back mid august.
  8. not better than our current midfielders? how many central midfielders do we actually have? osman, cahill sort of, and erm, thats about it. fletcher is a good player, hes not a world beater but hes a hell of a lot better than most midfielders in the prem. as with c1982, you dont get into one of fergies teams 170 times without having something about you. i dont see a problem with milito either, if he came in second highest scorer in la liga to RVN thats not bad going from a team that got relegated. and i'll happily say bye bye to aj for £10m. thanks for the memories
  9. in many ways carl he is correct, if you take into account it is close to east lancs road, m53 m56 m57 m6 m62 are all not very far away. btu as soon as you get off the east lancs road and actually into kirkby it has the infastructure of a medium sized village. Goodison can be clear of cars with in half an hour, this project will be looking more towards three hours to clear people away as kirkby will become a no car zone. so to summarise, yes kirkby will be one of the best served gounds to get to by road. but the car can only go so far, you will then have to wait for a bus from outside kirkby to take you to the stadium. they will need around 90 buses i think it was, doing two trips. we will have the biggest park and ride system in europe. you are right thou, it would have been the same at the docks too. as will scotland road.
  10. nope, just us so far. between jjb and umbro, what a joke, we actually have no idea when it comes to merchandising.
  11. i'll add to the inconvenience of going into kirkby. take a look at what happened when they had the protest drive through kirkby around where the stadium will be. it was chaos and that was only about 100 cars, they expect 7000 on a match day. im pretty confident we wont be going to kirkby anyway, but if we do i believe a lot of people will soon join us kenwrigth bashers.
  12. that was the best sporting final ive ever seen! loved it!
  13. if there is to be a fan take over i'm putting JD up for chairman of the board! forza - you make a lot of good points there mate. a lot of people who seem to defend kenwright and the board i dont think they look at issues other than on the pitch. these guys running our club dont have a clue.granted kenwright is not a businessman, i will never hold that against him, i genuinely think that he believes hes doing his best for the club he loves. but kenwright hired a businessman to run the club, one mr keith wyness. if anyone has looked at his history of buiness, he has been successful in his early years, but over about the last ten years or so he has never made a profit and he almost bankrupted aberdeen. branded a nazi by their fans for his ruining of the club. and lets not forget, recently administered coventry were his model for the ground move. i found this site a little interesting: http://wynessout.com/
  14. we'll never know what could have been if he would have signed the first time round for £12m, he could have gone on to have a great season. if we can get him for the £6m quoted then i think it'll be good business, or even if we get him on a loan with the option to buy when it suits us then i'll be made up. bags of potential, not been realised yet as hes been very unsettled for the last three years. if we get him on loan for a season i think it could really be make or break time, if by 24 he's spent 3/4 years going out on loan all over the place i think he'll bomb, if he does the business and we tie him down for 3/4 years we could see a decent player be come a very good player and really be a player to build the team around. a lot of it comes down to what manuel fernandes wants from his career.
  15. spot on! we need someone to bankroll the club to move forward, there is no way a club like everton, this size, with the high finishes we've had, are not wanted by investors! we need moyes to be asking for more from everybody at the club
  16. i dont think a "big name" is what moyes is after big player maybe
  17. i see a bit of sensible here finally, i expected people to be here slagging him because hes not a "big name"
  18. I think hes a decent player, looks great for scotland. wouldnt be such a champions league regular with fergie if he didnt have some talent.
  19. defo worth it, just for declaration of war and that boy that girl
  20. hadouken - music for an accelerated culture, somethin like that anyway. loving declaration of war right now
  21. maybe this was because you made a comment about mods, so mods replied! and i think most people on here are happy with the way we run things. if liverpool fans really want to talk about football they have liverpool sites to discuss issues with other liverpool fans. if you want to talk to evertonians then this is the place to do it. but as most of your posts are generally to cause arguments, we dont like that very much. as stated above by myself, xavb has been posting on here openly as a liverpudlian, he does not cause fights and is respectful to everyone, this is the bench mark for other supporters to follow on TT. if anybody is unhappy with things then please post your issues here if you would like to air them publicly, if not you are welcome to pm any of the mods and we will help with your requests. StevO
  22. i think we may see a better chelsea side this year, pushing united all the way
  23. i heard this before, i should have a copy later tonight or tomorrow. see what i can do
  24. there is no problem with banter with the redshite! we often do have banter, our very special case Xav has been a longer serving member than a lot of blue and has made more contributions to the site than a lot of blue members have. but as mike said, thanks for the input. but please give more details of the problem, after all we are here to help, for you are the members we serve.
  25. would have liked steve clarke after them rumours, but steve round does have a good reputation
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