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Everything posted by StevO

  1. not really, its always better playig the lower teams near the end of the season after the rest of the league have beaten their confidence out of them. they'll be confident at the moment, and they'll look at the current media hype around us doing nothing in the market and the instability at the club and we'll be right up against it. if now isnt the time to panic, someone needs to tell me when!
  2. sorry but barry isnt a patch on alonso, i just dont get what they are doing!
  3. id have alonso in a second, quality player
  4. would any good businessman rather buy a company who has moved away from its biggest market? successful BUSINESSES move into cities, not away from them! lets add to that the problem that their customers are going to have, trying to get to the "product" the company is selling. would a businessman want to buy a company with no fixed assets? with no fixed assets, plus long term debt against future sales and against assets we no longer own? (we will still be paying the mortgages for Goodison Park when we are paying the mortgage for Kirkby) if anything, looking at this with my business head on trying to take my heart out of it, everton are no better or bigger attraction in kirkby, if anything, they would be a less sound business from what i can see. high debt + no assets = trouble for any business. the only way out of the financial trouble that BK and KW have managed to create is if a sugar daddy comes along. and i for one seriously worry about the future of this club if we dont find a suger daddy. im not saying sell up to any tom dick harry mustafa or boris, but unless someone "suitable" comes along i can see nothign but the slippery slope one tread upon by leeds united. we may not have spent as much as they did, but the club has been piled upon with debt, there will be a limit somewhere, and after that we will have to start paying the pied piper.
  5. i like it, hopefully i can get it with mountiho 8 on the back asap
  6. im sure he'll ask for it, wouldnt you?
  7. id love nothing more than Green and Earl taking over (well id rather Granchester but he's not arsed) with Greens business accumen and Earls Hollywood mates, i honestly believe we could be successful. Green has the finances to invest in a stadium, players, clear the debt and still not notice a difference to his pocket. and Earl and his buddies could be great for marketing abroad. ah well, i can dream
  8. how about the fact that they have to pay Mountinho 10% of every bid they reject over £15m? could get quite costly for Sporting, seems the stupidest clause to me
  9. i think everyone has faith in moyes carl, its the people behind him we're not too sure of
  10. we know Louis is involved with KEIOC, but he isnt coming around trying to cather up a motley crew. he brings us information that the club dont bring us. not an agenda, its being informative
  11. im pretty sure we'll still be seeing leighton in an everton shirt for a good few years yet
  12. because its never been known for politicians and businessmen to do that sort of thing has it!
  13. no body here has agendas to push mate, and if you think we do and you dont like it then why keep coming back to argue it? i just dont understand thats all
  14. once again DangerMouse, was it really worth coming to ask that question? of course were not happy! we wanted to hear something, we have heard something, fine, they have ticked one box. when they put into practice what they say, and strengthen the squad we will start being happy. until there is silverwear in the cabinet again i dont believe we will be happy, we need to get back to the famous moto we wear on the shirt. accepting mediocricy is not needed!
  15. i think there may be a few people who'll get back handers if the move goes through, i always believed KW was in for a very nice sweetener
  16. Sir Phillip Green fits the bill, but not sure if he wants a slice or not.
  17. Louis - keep posting the info you get. lets remember this is a forum, and a forum is for debate i do believe??? the stories that come out make debate, regardless of the source, but from past hearing Louis sources are usually spot on. DangerMouse - if you want to have debate about the things going on in and around the club then this is the place to do it, but theres no point in comin here to complain about what we talk about, the same way we always talk about these things, as we have for years, its just wasting your own time. most regular members like the way we do things around here, its not going to change.
  18. moyes said in his press conference before the fire game that he has only had his name mentioned to him, nothing more.
  19. dont believe it at all. if anyone has everton tv, go on and find the interview with baines from the end of last season, he says he wasnt injured most of the times it was reported that he was. said he was always available for selection but for one reason or another he wasnt picked. hopefully it was because the little niggles just needed clearing up, but he said straight up he wasnt injured as much as made out
  20. moyes has been terribly misquoted by the echo! he was asked about the squad, he was saying we are short going forward, as in short of attacking players! hopefully this problem with Green will end with him being in control. wasnt green one of the people who loaned BK the money to buy the club in the first place?
  21. as soon as the bid is accepted we'll see him in a blue shirt. personal terms would have been sorted with zahvi ages ago. im sure we'll see movement as soon as the squad are back from the states, at the latest
  22. as long as the selling club give permission its all fine
  23. moyes should not, and will not, have any say in the stadium move. not his place
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