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Everything posted by Louis

  1. GTAV is just tailing off for me now, the missions are fewer and it feels more linear now that I'm getting towards the end of the game - although out of the blue people will appear and ask you to do something(s) for them. The submarines and scuba equipment are a welcome addition. Also I like that you can crouch and hide in the bushes from the cops and they will drive past.
  2. I'm in the same Matt, I bought it today, played until 60minute mark of the first match and turned it off. The loading mini-game is more fun than the game itself. Goodison Park looks quite generic in game, and the cameras are on the wrong side of the pitch. I'm not impressed with it to be honest.
  3. Who's going to bother getting it this year? I didn't bother last year but I am tempted this year because Goodison Park is in it.
  4. Go for Android. I have a Samsung Galaxy S3, I previously had a Orange San Diego but it broke and it worked out better for me to replace it than have it repaired. If you're okay waiting, hold out for the Nexus 5.
  5. Yeah, that's what I meant. It seems silly to recast.. unless the guy was terrible.
  6. Although not for everybody, the Game of Thrones game is in the upcoming Humble Bundle that starts later today. Also - I read they have recast actors for series 3. The bloke on the right is replacing the bloke on the left as Daario:
  7. I found this on another site: http://i.imgur.com/XLGcbuf.jpg The three logos from the club still underwhelm me, I was expecting three designs I liked and a hard choice to make on deciding. They are as bad as each other and worse than the 2012 edition. I noticed on twitter that the designer responsible for the programme design and works for the club retweeted someone's comment that the club's final three are what happens when a logo is designed by committee.
  8. The American reviews are coming out now as it was aired there today, unfortunately they're mostly negative saying it's like a Saturday morning kids tv show and the cast are too young and seem miscast as they are supposed to be the finest agents Shield have to offer.
  9. FOX have just given the go ahead for a pre-Batman Commissioner Gordon tv series. http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/09/25/gotham-batmans-commissioner-gordon-getting-fox-tv-series It could be good, I enjoyed "Year one" which was mostly Gordon.
  10. Post Avengers? Is that the series about people who don't take kindly to spam coming through their letterbox? The story follows on from the first Avengers film (and Iron Man 3?)
  11. From what I can make out, the survey resulted in fans ranking the features of crest in order of importance: 1. Tower 2. "Nil Satis Nisi Optimum" text 3. "Everton" text 4. Shield 5. "1878" text 6. Laurel Wreaths I found it interesting that a lot of people did not want the club's name on the badge, I was one of them. "Whilst significant numbers of supporters taking part in focus groups felt Everton's Crest should ideally be recognisable without the inclusion of the name, more participants agreed that the inclusion of the name was important to "broadcast" Everton effectively: to other football supporters, in Europe and internationally, with sponsors and through merchandise and to potential new supporters. " From a design point of view, I think the crest would look better without the "Everton" text. I've seen several people say that they don't like the style of 'Everton' lettering (the font is known as "Matrix"), personally I do like it, but I think that a better font for the Nil Satis Nisi Optimum text could have been found.
  12. I think that the club are pushing for the first one, they are posting pictures on Twitter of Martinez and Duncan Ferguson with it saying it's their preferred choice.
  13. I think the "double chin" is actually a nod to the 85 shirt, I could be wrong though.
  14. I think number 1 will walk it Steve, just look at the number of people wanting it on the official facebook page. I think it's more to do with it being closest to 2012's design than being good in its own right though.
  15. Mike, I did not add that option because I think most would choose it. Plus Monty Brewster wasn't really serious about it anyway.
  16. This new tower on the 2012 crest without the text "1878" and "Everton" would be good, sadly it's not going to happen. I've just created a poll thread so that people can vote on which they prefer. http://www.toffeetalk.com/index.php?/topic/25587-poll-thread-proposed-everton-crest/
  17. Image 1: Image 2: Image 3: Discussion thread: http://www.toffeetalk.com/index.php?/topic/25477-upcoming-crest-announcement-201415-onwards/
  18. You best be behind me in the game or I'll ban you
  19. Apparently three crests will be released tomorrow morning. Voting will begin at noon.
  20. Free Batman game for Apple devices: http://www.ign.com/prime/promo/batman-free
  21. No. Usually everything in GTA is a satire or parody, what company is LifeInvader based on ? I looked on their website and it seems like a Facebook clone, yet the CEO was on the television advertising his companies' new phone which led me to believe it was Apple. It seems like it's based on both of the companies. Then someone (Lester?) mentions that the CEO makes the company use child labour and originally stole idea of the the company from his best friend. Twitter's satire is called Bleeter but that was in GTA 4.
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