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Everything posted by Louis

  1. I get bored of the roasts.. i make one every Sunday.. I like the Prawn Cocktails
  2. If you check on the 25th it might be working for you
  3. I told you. Christmas is shite and we should learn to hate it
  4. www.gameplay.com has a decent sale on at the moment.. Xbox 360s games are 12.99
  5. some good bargains on there. I regret getting xmas prezzies in early now
  6. We didn't let him go afaik mate, he came in on loan but was never offered the chance to sign full time due to MLS regulations. We might be getting Clint Dempsey in Jan though..
  7. http://www.emureactor.info/ Get the emulators here Get the free games fromhere: http://www.rom-world.com/ I've been playing sonic 2 since half 9.. Its a classic and Im just as good now as I was when I was 8.
  8. Oh, what became of the likely lads.
  9. 1. I don't know anything about cars. 2. VW Polo 3. Polo is my first.
  10. Thats not me.. I'll find one for you Mac I noticed that Pat has transformed from Brendan Fraser in Airheads to Ray Winstone!
  11. I thought the cover was alright.. it would have been better if they had sung it in english though (imo). I think Sigur Ros are fantastic though.
  12. That's the one. Nice plug.
  13. No release date set yet.. yes its xbox 360 Do you have one yet? If so do you have xbox live and what's your gamertag?
  14. I'm 21 I sometimes think Im growing up too fast!!
  15. Fozzie - what are these wireless 'thingys' called?
  16. Younger than you I went to see Oasis in the Nottingham Ice Arena, I was staniding up and I got squashed against the fence (I was at the very front). I had bruises. Still - the people behind me had a cup of pee thrown over them so I got away lightly.
  17. I prefer being seated for some reason.
  18. There is now. I think she was murdered.. Al Fayed said it was arrange by a "leading member of the Royal Family". Al Fayed made the Peter Pan film in honour of Dodi because he will never grow old. I thought that was a really nice thing to do.
  19. Not anymore.. all drives can be chipped. Someone I know of does them for 50 notes.
  20. I've got a Philips TV sender to my room.. I dont know how it works though.
  21. Well there's the best man and the groom to deal with...
  22. Has anyone on here read a book of his, if so what did you think?
  23. The list above is with sky.. I'd cancel it but the sky+ pause rewind etc. functions are far too handy.
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