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Everything posted by Louis

  1. Claire - Im 21 and going bald.. does that count as the mature look?
  2. Was it the southport supporters association guy? He was on Sky earlier.. If it wasn't he said the same thing anyway. I don't see the logic at all, the stadium is practically in Croxteth and Croxteth is Liverpool.
  3. Simple - we bring the germans over They are EU citizens and would lap up how much we pay builders. German Doctors come to England to do locums for the NHS and take away £3000 a night. So I'd imagine the building trade would also be cheap in comparison to getting the usual LAING O'ROURKE in.
  4. http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=e...6-40,GGLJ:en-GB There you go willo.. The stadium cost 64million euros.. bargain.
  5. http://www.aol.de/shared/aolarena/flash.html £168million - but they had to demolish the old stadium first and they built it in three stages so that the original stadium never closed (HSV play there in the Bundesliga). So to start from scratch would be a lot cheaper.
  6. I agree with Storm entirely. There's not much more you can add to his assessment.
  7. They recently sacked thier captain Steven Elvis Pressley after speaking out against the Lithuanian chairman. The chairman intends to bring in over Thirty of his natives in January to play for the Edinburgh club. I really feel sorry for the Jambos now.
  8. Plays in the under 18s and occasionally reserves. He's 15yr old centre mid. Hes meant to be good but I've never seen him. Theres also the other center mid something Stewart whos also meant to be alright.
  9. Tom Mcreadi also signed a new deal yesterday which is good news.
  10. Mark - Thats a picture of Sonny Anderson! The site is a joke Kenwright said it'll take 3-4 weeks for Anderson Da Silva Franca joins us. He said at the agm (apparently) that his agent let us down because he said he would have all passport malarky sorted out. He's cost us £700,000 and not even played. David France collection is worth £750,000 and has not been acquired. Something's amiss.
  11. John - You might fancy a read of http://easyweb.easynet.co.uk/~rtlloyd/stadium.html & http://www.toffeeweb.com/club/Goodison/gfe/ It was put forward back in the Johnson era but ignored. Steve - can you see the squash courts inside? It looks bizarre doesn't it.
  12. Yeah I got the ferry the other day just for the sake of it and I was shocked at how much the kings dock has changed. It looks a fantastic venue. It's a shame they never put the proposed ice rink in there.
  13. I think it should be called "Everton Arena".
  14. Steveo - 55000 funnily enough It looks crap from outside though It's called the AOL Arena. http://www.hsv-aolarena.de
  15. Fozzie.. I reckon you're being unfair. Kings Dock fell apart because of spiralling costs - nothing the club could do afaik, they had 30m ready but the costs risen by 28m and no other partner would share the bill. EFC could not afford it and no one would offer a loan.
  16. I do Andy. Ive tried to find a decent debate about the stadium on bluekipper and toffeeweb but after about three posts they seem to ramble on about the Tescos Value Stadium etc. I'll put this really simple what I would like to see in a new stadium. An original feature - something that stands out and is instantly recognisable and when you see it you think "Everton". We currently have the church tucked away in the corner, we can't take that with us so we need something else to add character. My suggestion is for a large Prince Rupert's tower to be placed on one of the corners outside of the ground. It could be the players entrance. I've seen a picture of exactly what I have in mind if i find it I will edit this post and put it in. Another is that I think that the stands should be steep so that we are practially on top of the pitch. An Everton match just wouldn't be the same if the fans are spread out backwards, the currently-wounded atmosphere will be killed for good. See HSV's stadium: Im not alone when I say this - I don't want a breeze block stadium similar to the Riverside and many smaller teams stadiums (Derby, Southampton and Bolton spring to mind). The problem the board face is that we want the best (Nil Satis Nisi Optimum) and they can not provide it at this time in my opinion. I think the time to move is right but we can't afford it. I can't see Tesco stumping up the kind of cash that could buy us the type of stadium we would like/deserve. I have no problem with moving the stadium moving to Kirkby. I made an image last night on Google Earth showing the distances between the stadiums, it's three and a half miles down the road. I'm from the Wirral - maybe this has affected my judgement but I couldn't care less that the stadium will not be in the Liverpool City Council's boundarys. The only people who do care should be LCC themselves. There is a rumour that LCC knocked back our advances to build onto stanley park, that is technically true but what Peter Johnson proposed was building a new stadium where the lake currently is. But as far as I know LCC have not done anything to deter EFC away from their boundaries what has happened is that Knowsley have offered the club £50,000,000 to move said three and a half miles up the road. It's not to be sniffed at and it must be given full consideration whether that means moving away from a stadium we have played in since 1892 or not. I am 100% certain when I say if Liverpool offered the same amount for redeveloping Goodison the club would bite their hand off (and swallow it whole). I think that the club moving away may affect the price of council tax in the Liverpool area as they will not have as much coming in, I could be wrong though.
  17. That's only if Earl, Woods and other shareholders vote him out afaik.
  18. Usually someone posts a summary of went on. Personally I think that it should be broadcast on evertontv.
  19. Bill set to confirm Kirkby move... but I think Liam/Goldfish Memory has already told us that.
  20. It has to be Curbishley replacing him surely? Hes unemployed and is a hammer.
  21. http://www.qpr1st.co.uk/main/hollowayspeech.asp If Moyes ever goes.. Holloway will do
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