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Everything posted by Louis

  1. Hope to build on today's win and I'll go for a 2-1 to Everton.
  2. Yeah Cracc.. You start the game and instantly fake ones are generated because there is no real ones.
  3. I think the worst is yet to come now... imo there will be a backlash and more attacks will occur.
  4. In this month's 442 there is an interview with Jean-Marc Bosman. He agreed to do the interview providing the magazine put his bank details at the end of the article so that any footballers who have moved under the bosman can make a donation. Bosman currently lives on benefits because he has no money after fighting his case (it cost over £175,000. I can't see the likes of Sol Campbell giving anything away. My question is, is Bosman right to be asking for donations from footballers who've made moves under his ruling ? He says "I should be living like a star not because of anything on the pitch, I was an average player but because I fought to the point where I had nothing left. We were just like slaves, we were just told to go, play and shut up".
  5. http://www.newsoftheworld.co.uk:80/united.shtml
  6. It was an odd choice, if he was going to be chosen why not wait until the end of his career at the very least? At this rate I'll be getting an MBE !
  7. Metallica - Hero for the day (S&M album) Fratellis - For the girl Damon Minchella - Find your way Rufus Wainwright - Cigarettes & Chocolate Milk Albert Hammond Jr - Everyone gets a star
  8. Louis


    Dunno Liam.. I presume Craccer looks like Noah Fielding...
  9. I take it you are a Burger King man?
  10. I read that he is an Evertonian Mark. Also.. uploading a better picture.. scanned from the EFC programme.
  11. Nothing surprises me on this board anymore.
  12. I think I've said this in another thread... but I think Leighton Baines, Matt Taylor and Joleon all deserve a call up.
  13. Exactly the same thing happened to me. Honest. I buy online now - I've not bought anything from the shops for about six months.
  14. It wouldn't achieve anything. I read on ToffeeWeb or Bluekipper (cant remember which) that Lord Grantchester - the heir to the Moores millions offered some money to the club for Kings Dock but BK refused on principle.. I dont know whether its true or not.
  15. Mikeo... I dunno tbh.. I think its an address book for your Private messages.
  16. I can't watch Hollyoaks. I live with my parents. Shut up Andy !
  17. Didnt the guy who plays her boyfriend in Emmerdale get arrested for rape?
  18. It's a strange one... I've been reading around and apparently the club class the 30million loan over 25yrs as an expense as opposed to debt.. So instead of saying "right we owe 30million plus interest" they are saying "we pay 2m a year to keep our heads above water". They then took out a further loan against the tv money incoming next season to sign AJ. AJ, Kilbane and Lescott fees were apparently not including in the financial report - worrying.
  19. Sorry steveo.. it was a bot Think Britney in Austin Powers 3.
  20. Under Bill Kenwright the club has made an average loss of £14m per year. When he took over the club the debt was 20m, now it is closer to 60m.
  21. I bet you have their calendar in the shed.
  22. I like the older woman :| Renee Zellweger/Nicole Kidman will do. Preferably together
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