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Everything posted by Louis

  1. Gareth Bale Neil Eardley Joey Barton David Nugent Ashley Young Two of those five and I'll be happy. I don't think Billy Sharp would be a good signing, Sheffield United let him go for a reason
  2. After you saying that, I had another go.. It was a lot clearer than before but still jumpy - buffering every 20seconds. I decided to see if i had the latest version. The version of TVU above is 1.5. The latest is 2.3. 2.3 Is a lot a clearer for me.. try it out.. Its half time at the minute: http://dw.com.com/redir?pid=10584889&m...4-10584889.html
  3. Anichebe and Van Der Meyde dropped. Beattie and Davies have brought back into it. I wonder what to make of that, maybe VDM wasn't fit enough to play two games in three days. Perhaps Moyes is resting Anichhebe or doesn't want to expose him at too early an age, maybe he wants Vic to come on as a sub in the last half hour when the teams are tired so he can make the most of his pace?
  4. Ok... breaking the rules slightly.. This should be in match days forum but here it is more likely to be soon.. Todays match: http://www.live-footy.org/mon1.1/ManCity_Everton.html http://www.myp2p.eu/Matches/Match3.htm You may need to install some programes if you havn't already. Details about the programs can be found in the above links.. I hope Andy SSL doesn't mind me stealing his thunder EDIT - I've just tried this out and the quality is awful..
  5. I think that the club should refuse to play it. What currently happens: Players await in the tunnel. Z-Cars comes on (lower volume) Z-Cars faded out FA PL Theme Tune Comes on (louder than Z-Cars) Players line up on the pitch and shake hands with opposing team Plays shake hands with officials What should happen imo Players in tunnel Players shake hands with opponents if they want to (psychological edge etc.) Two captains shake hands with offiical (compulsory!) Z-Cars comes on loud as it used to be Hairs on the back of the neck stand up Crowd stands up Everton win 3-0.
  6. Just seen the tv.. this video is being criticised as it shows Saddam being goaded by his executioners (they are chanting someones name who is an Iraqi militiant), Saddam says "go to hell" and one of executioner says "that's where you going". the trapdoor is then opened. Btw... that's serious. not joking.
  7. Hope 2007 is better than 2006 was.
  8. Yeah, doesn't mean it's unsurpassable though does it?
  9. I think those are the easiest parts of the shared stadium. Seat colours: White Stadium Name would be sold to highest bidder and amount shared between partners, fans still refer to it by it's previous name, i.e. man city call their stadium Eastlands after the derelict land it was built on. Stadium sponsors change every game at San Siro and Allianz Stadium I think. The hardest part is selling the idea to fans who have their own stadium
  10. Luis Boa Morte is one player I can't stand. I despise him. Gareth Bale is one hell of a player, I would love him here. The problem is would moyes risk 4-6m on him?
  11. I now have visions of Leo Messi behind a desk with an abacus and a fat cuban cigar.
  12. To be honest, I reckon they would. I think it's just a matter of time before one of the big english clubs bites the bullet and shares a stadum and reaps the financial benefits.
  13. You can... each club has its own researcher.. If you were the researched you'd go out of your way to get all of the info surely?
  14. Comments left on a public profile can be read by all, even guests. Comments in a private message can only be read by the recipitent, even mods and admins can't read them.
  15. Problem is craccer.. we've already borrowed 10m against that on Johnson and Joleon
  16. Now I must admit, I was all for Kirkby originally but now Im starting to have doubts. I'm actually coming around to the idea of a groundshare, I've been reading about the 100,000 seater Olympic Stadium that is possibly being built in London for 2012. Apparently because of soaring prices of land in London residential area, three clubs; Spurs, Charlton and West Ham are considering moving in together to so that their expenses are dramatically reduced (logically being reduced by 66%!). I've been reading Financial Times website and there is a guy nicknamed "Footy Prof" Chris Brady (he's an Evertonian) and he has created a report on whether a groundshare is viable or not for all of the Premiership clubs (not all 20 together obviously but regionalised West Ham+Charlton, QPR+Fulham, Liverpool+Everton) and the result is a resounding "yes, it would benefit". He asked Peter Reid what he thought about a potential groundshare and Reidy said "There will blood on the street". Just out of curiousity what is it that you personally don't like the idea of a groundmove?
  17. Hope to build on today's win and I'll go for a 2-1 to Everton.
  18. Yeah Cracc.. You start the game and instantly fake ones are generated because there is no real ones.
  19. I think the worst is yet to come now... imo there will be a backlash and more attacks will occur.
  20. In this month's 442 there is an interview with Jean-Marc Bosman. He agreed to do the interview providing the magazine put his bank details at the end of the article so that any footballers who have moved under the bosman can make a donation. Bosman currently lives on benefits because he has no money after fighting his case (it cost over £175,000. I can't see the likes of Sol Campbell giving anything away. My question is, is Bosman right to be asking for donations from footballers who've made moves under his ruling ? He says "I should be living like a star not because of anything on the pitch, I was an average player but because I fought to the point where I had nothing left. We were just like slaves, we were just told to go, play and shut up".
  21. http://www.newsoftheworld.co.uk:80/united.shtml
  22. It was an odd choice, if he was going to be chosen why not wait until the end of his career at the very least? At this rate I'll be getting an MBE !
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