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Everything posted by Louis

  1. It sounds similar to Lily Allen's Smile vs The Streets?
  2. No.. I cant be bothered downloadnig 4gb.. I asked someone to lend me theirs
  3. wpF7FH9paMc You mightn't like it though!
  4. Apparently so.. He sent Andy an email saying good luck with the site once..
  5. £493,000 per week He'll earn.. Just under a million dollars a week. £50 a minute.
  6. I doubt he'll be impressed when he reads that!
  7. He could have been getting the train to Glasgow to take Walter Smiths job
  8. http://www.reclaimthekop.co.uk/ Funny, yet pathetic.
  9. Louis


    Mrs Stubbs, wanted to get Alan her husband something nice for their wedding anniversary. So, she decides to buy him a new top of the range mobile phone. Alan is all excited and he loves his new phone. So anyways... she shows it to him and explains to him all the features on the phone. The next day Alan goes out. His phone rings and it's his wife. "Hi hon," she says, "How do you like your new phone?" "I just love it, it's so small and your voice is crystal clear. But there's one thing I don't understand. How did you know I was at bellefield?"
  10. As he said himself "It's not a mullet. It's a demi-wave."
  11. Strike in the reserves against Red Shite in October. Seems similar to Ian Harte in that he's left footed, he gets forward and is a free kick wizard.
  12. I had a go on my mums bike today ! It's blue so its alright.. I went up Calday Hill and my legs turned to jelly.. I felt a bit better for it though Dunno Liam.. I might take up boxing.. problem is I used to be skinny size 32 etc. but no im size 40 - since I was made redundant I've had nothing to do so I've just ate and ate and ate. I'm going to try and rectify this asap!
  13. I heard that the council are going to introduce some a new taxi called Dudek cabs.. they let more than five in!
  14. Here you go Pat.. http://www.sendit.com/video/item/7001000128805 £13.89 £6.40 delivery to Oz.
  15. Its not much mike.. someones posted that Moyes is in terminal 2 at manchester airport.. thats it.
  16. What's it say? You have to register to go on there :|
  17. I dunno... www.myspace.com/toffeetalk is the sites, I dont know mine its on there though if you click friends. We've got a few of the players/reserve/youth lads on there now
  18. To 'celebrate' I've added it as the theme song on the myspace site.
  19. In the new film he runs up them steps with his dog on a lead.
  20. Showing your age? You REMEMBER it? I've only seen it in pictures
  21. Dunny.. I was thinking the same thing - I doubt it'd be popular choice if it happened though.
  22. Sylvester Stallone will be at the match on Sunday. What are the chances we run out to the rocky theme?
  23. Has anyone got any feedback yet?
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