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Everything posted by Louis

  1. Tony Mowbray wants to end his goalkeeper crisis at West Brom with a swoop for Everton star Richard Wright. Baggies boss Mowbray is keen to take Wright on loan for the remainder of the season after having problems with Pascal Zuberbuhler and fitness doubts over veteran keeper Russell Hoult. Wright, 29, has played with Mowbray at Ipswich and his Everton contract is up at the end of this season.
  2. Louis

    Postman Pat

    Postman Pat's last day It was postman Pat's last day on the job after 35 years of carrying the mail Through all kinds of weather to the same villages and towns. When he arrived at the first house on his route, he was greeted by the whole family there, who all hugged and congratulated him and sent him on his way with a gift cheque for £50. At the second house they presented him an 18 carat gold watch. The folks at the third house handed him a bottle of 15 year old scotch whisky. At the fourth house he was met at the door by a dumb blonde in her lingerie. She took him by the arm and led him up the stairs to the bedroom where she blew his mind with the most passionate love he had ever experienced. When he had enough they went downstairs, where the dumb blonde fixed him a full English breakfast, bacon, eggs, sausage and tomato with freshly squeezed orange juice. When he was truly satisfied she poured him a cup of steaming coffee. As she was pouring, he noticed a £5 note sticking out from under the cups bottom edge. " All this was just too wonderful for words" he said, "but what's the five Quid for?" " Well" said the dumb blonde, "last night, I told my husband that today would be your last day and that we should do something special for you" " I asked him what to give you" He said, "**** him. Give him a fiver" She smiled shyly and said, "the breakfast was my idea"
  3. Im watching west ham on football first and I think the LCD adverts look smart.. its a shame they kept their old adverts aswell.. they look like a building on wood street.
  4. I attempted to delete one of Andy's duplicate posts but accidentally deleted whole topic.. I'm now up there with Zed and Romey :|
  5. As a one off on sunday? Amused? Embarrassed? Angry? Not Bothered? Personally I'm not bothered, the pre-match runout has already been ruined with FAPL theme.
  6. I think Hull have it because their nickname is the tigers.. Im not 100% on this. Also look at this: http://www.collegehumor.com/video:55249
  7. Leave it out, he was a model for Topman don't you know or was it Burton?
  8. Sunderland used to have it too but then Peter Reid left
  9. How is Sharpy going to sack his boss exactly?
  10. It could well be and personally I'm in favour of it. I know it would be distracting at first, but you'd get over it. It's seen as a status symbol by some people and so if they see Everton on tv at a home game, they'd see the hoardings and think oh they're a big club (some fans are ignorant like that!). Preston based group ADI UK ltd are involved in talks with Everton. The club are looking to increase it's income and this could be the very way of doing it. They are the company who installed the big teles in the corners of GP. Oliver Brindley, the company's head of marketing and communications, said: "We are talking with a number of clubs. Perimeter advertising has a much higher impact when you can take over the whole stadium for a period of time." The company installed the ad boards at West Ham and it cost them £1.2million and on average they get in £50,000 per game from the advertising. So for Premier League games only we would have an income of £950,000, minimum of two cup games (let's say £15,000 for arguments sake) and it's almost a million pound within the season. It seems to be like a cabbie's fare meter in that it pays for itself. Over the course of two seasons we will have made half a million profit. Knowing Keith Wyness, he would probably outsource the advertisements to another company for cash up front to a company like Skyville (similar to the JJB Deal). Plus it means we could take down those horrible adverts on tiers
  11. Louis


    changed it to crystal clear.
  12. What did you find disgusting about it? It's an anti-aides advert.
  13. Watford have accepted a 8m bid from an unnamed premiership side. Won't be us then. Probably spurs. Cockneys never move up north do they, I can't think of any in the prem. Scott Parker doesnt count because he's from Norwich. Possibly Lee Bowyer
  14. Funny that... they've had it for years.
  15. Carlton Cole has given up on his England dream and has said he wants to play for Nigeria.
  16. Nothing planned yet.
  17. That's the point I was making Aaron. Btw... blue_nose_angel.. You're a lot prettier than I expected ! . I was expecting Pauline Quirke for some reason!
  18. Clue's in the title Mike.. The (singular) Toffee Lady, one girl is wearing an Everton kit..
  19. Do you think it will entice big names to go to MLS in the future or is Beckham a one off?
  20. Everton boss David Moyes has denied that he is one of the names in the frame to replace Walter Smith as the new Scottish boss. Former Everton boss Smith left the SFA this week to rejoin his old club Rangers and they are now after a replacement but Moyes says he is not the man for the job, for the time being. "I've had no contact from the SFA and it's not my time to be Scotland manager," he told The Mirror. "It's not a job which interests me now - I'm more interested in bringing sustainable success to Everton. "In time, when I'm hopefully older and wiser, I might be in a position to think about it," said the 43-year-old. "But, at the moment, the answer is 'no'."
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