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Everything posted by Louis

  1. You wouldn't like the Benjamin Button treatment?
  2. The second season nearly finished me off, I was so bored five episodes in. I'm now on season five. I read the interview after seeing it, I thought it was satire when the 'bait' trope was used.
  3. I forgot about that. Last week's Better Call Saul wasn't quite up to par.
  4. Here's one for J' and Matt. Go, go Power Rangers. http://player.vimeo.com/video/120401488?color=ff9933&byline=0&portrait=0
  5. http://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/everton-fc-trail-irish-hot-shot-8708036 He's 19, not 18.
  6. An American woman is suing herself. http://lasvegas.cbslocal.com/2015/02/19/utah-court-allows-woman-to-sue-herself-for-wrongful-death-of-her-husband/ Presumably it's to get her husband's insurance company to pay out.
  7. Re: Firefly. It surprises me how low audience numbers are for big tv shows. Breaking Bad for example had less than 1.5m watching in USA. Eastenders here generally gets 7m. I didn't like Misfits, I just couldn't get into it. I've just been watching a documentary on the British video gaming scene (Bedrooms to Billions), who should appear ? None other than Everton director Jon Woods. He was talking about how video game arcades made gaming popular in the UK and Europe and his decision to leave the industry in the mid-nineties.
  8. http://www.nydailynews.com/news/world/dead-puerto-rican-man-dons-green-lantern-costume-wake-article-1.2118589 A deceased Puerto Rican man was dressed up as a Green Lantern corp during his wake.
  9. I'm catching up with Breaking Bad. The first half of the second season was such a chore, I'm glad it's picked up.
  10. The Daily Mail criticise an England 7-0 loss (two Everton players were involved) http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2952745/England-U17s-0-7-Holland-U17s-Young-Lions-produce-Friday-13-horror-show.html Seems harsh to have a national newspaper have an article on a game for teenagers that wasn't available to watch and is only part of a friendly competition.
  11. I also watched Better Call Saul, I've never seen Breaking Bad though. :\ I'll have to remedy that. Grand Budapest Hotel was also fun, though I imagine there'd be uproar if the genders had been reversed; a female concierge sleeping with customers to keep their returning business would not have gone down so well.
  12. I don't follow women's football at all but it must annoy those that do that the BBC are only offering an online stream of the game against USA when BBC3 are literally showing repeats from 7pm to 11:45pm.
  13. http://www.efcsa.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/LMH-Meeting-re-WHP-19015-FINAL.pdf
  14. It's too disappointing an ending at the minute Mike. Just when you think when the Air Force will let him become a pilot and fly away into the distance before the credits roll, they stick him in a stuffy office with poor air conditioning and Windows 98. Congratulations on the grandson!
  15. I read that around 30 people have been killed in Cairo trying to attend a football match between Zamalek and ENPPI. That's saddened me.
  16. He's just won player of the competition. He also won goal of the tournament for this: link
  17. Ghana lost 9-8 on penalties after a 0-0 draw.
  18. He starts tonight in the Africa Cup of Nations final. It's on both ITV4 and Eurosport.
  19. Even I watched it and enjoyed it. The Millenium Stadium looks like a terrific venue. I'm not going to chance going to Cardiff, there are too many aliens there.
  20. When you reply to a thread, where do you do it from ? There's a light switch icon that you can click on to turn certain features on.
  21. It does sound smart. Loaning academy players to play in A-League during the summer. Who wouldn't want to do that?
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