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Everything posted by Louis

  1. Speaking about Bridge.. I've heard from that Moyes wanted him on loan but Mourinho didn't want to let him go until the summer.
  2. I don't understand why no one else understands the deal.. Benfica have bought Global Sports Agency's share of Fernandes. They asked him to sign a new deal that expires in 2011 stating that Benfica owns his playing rights 100%. Benfica have 'loaned' 6million to Global Sports Agency so that they can loan Manuel Fernandes to us hoping that he impresses us enough so we purchase him and they can take their share of the profits. Portsmouth and West Ham fielded players half owned by a private corporation. Deducting points and fining is very harsh though as the FA never stated they were ineligible especially as it is common knowledge they are 50% owned by a private company. It's not like the private companies have denied the facts either. It's sour grapes from Everton that we couldn't sign him as soon as we had liked and sheer desperation from the other relegation threatened clubs who vote for a points deduction.
  3. http://freesim.o2.co.uk/messages.php
  4. I've nothing against giving this ago.. but I can't see it being that popular to be honest
  5. I know how you feel StevO.. this trip is planned for August... Hopefully will grab a stadium tour and a match. Me and my two cousins are footy mad. I went to Kusadassi in Turkey last year and it almost killed me, I was bored out of my mind.
  6. I would love to go there but it's too far. Maximum flight time is 6hrs.
  7. Can anybody recommend a good holiday destination that is on the beach somewhere sunny and has a decent football team I could pop down to and watch? I'm thinking Barcelona... has anyone been?
  8. Lord Grantchester is heir to 240million.. Jesse Daivd Suenson-Taylor (his son) is apparently an Evertonian too.
  9. We thrown a few ideas around in one of the stadium threads... Favourites being St. Domingos Park and Everton Arena.. Then it became a silly nonsensical post where someone suggested Tesco Value Stadium.
  10. nas que nada is from nike adverts the ketchup song is Aserejé
  11. It's going to be a tiny amount.. the official website should not have adverts in any shape or form in my opinion.
  12. We have 14 spare here... it'd make sense.. he's defensive and 14 is 1+4 = 5
  13. I don't like the new search feature.. it finds other websites. The reason you go on the website is to get the offiicial news and not the yahoo search results.
  14. I am a bit dissapointed by Hughes being sold.. this leaves us with Lescott, Yobo and Stubbs (or in March when he turns 16, Rodwell).
  15. This is what James Beattie has to say about the transfer window: "The transfer window isn't really something we talk or give a lot of thought to as players, which probably tells you all you need to know. "As a professional footballer, you play for whoever wants you and is prepared to pay your wages. "If a club decides it no longer wants you and another comes in for you, you accept it and move on. "It sounds mercenary, but to an extent, you're a bit of a commodity to be bought and sold. In the end, you're like any other employee and you do your best for your employer. "I think it's certain that the transfer market won't be busy during the window. "Very few clubs have got any money to spend, so it will only be the clubs at the top and bottom ends of the table who spend for contrasting reasons." He said this in 2002 and his points are still valid.
  16. Wigan have got themselves a bargain.. JA is class. Arsenal had a bid of 8.5m rejected about two years ago.
  17. Benfica have also confirmed it - it just hasn't appeared on the EFC website yet. It's been three days since Benfica confirmed it. I don't understand why the club havn't announced anything. There's not even a mention of him on the front page.
  18. I heard we did make a move but he said he would like to stay in London.
  19. It's a load of crap... the problem with the League Cup is it has a very similar format to the FA Cup.. It should be for either: Representatives from all of the home nations can enter (Ireland League, N.Ireland League, Welsh League, Scottish League and English Leagues). It should not be compulsory but smaller clubs should be aided financially by the cup sponsor if they do wish to enter. or Championship, League One and League Two only.
  20. You might have some luck here: http://sports.groups.yahoo.com/group/efc_nyc/ and http://www.efcscna.com/ suggests the following pubs in NYC
  21. Seeing as we are discussing back room staff - do you have any opinion on Chris Woods? He is often criticised on other forums yet we know nothing about his coaching methods and techniques.
  22. LCC were going to force a compulsory purchase but the land owner found out the reason for the purchase and they are holding out for more money..
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