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Everything posted by Louis

  1. There is one pitch for each age group... ideal really.
  2. The definition of academy is "an institution for the advancement of art or science or literature". Think on to Steve Bloomer's comments.. The academy should be called the "school of science" imo..
  3. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/merseyside/6335101.stm -- http://aboutknowsley.typepad.com/news/2007...al_kirkby_.html
  4. Unfortunately the problem is some 'fans' are proud of it. Here's a quote from another forum:
  5. He signed for Waterford United. I didn't see that coming.
  6. I made this myself with my elite photoshop skills. If you want to see it in google earth the post code is L26 3UE. The full address of the academy is most likely going to be. Everton Academy Finch Lane Halewood Knowsley L26 3UE Apparently the FA threatened to remove the 'academy' status as the facilities were not upto scratch at Bellefield. This new academy is going to be so much better than the one in Netherton which only had one grass pitch which is not allowed to be trained on because it's used for matches - the players trained on astro turf.
  7. Bjarni Þór Viðarsson impressed in the friendly against Bournemouth last week so much so that Bournemouth have taken him on loan for a month.
  8. He didn't get the call.. Amokachi might include him in his Flying Eagles squad in the future though. I wonder if he will be called up for the Canada u-20 tournament at the end of the season? It'd very good to have an Everton representative. The club have ties in Canada so they could promote their name somehow whilst its on surely.
  9. How many of them have been any good though?
  10. I made a suggestion on here about basing one in Lagos, Nigeria but no one replied. http://www.toffeetalk.com/index.php?showto...78&hl=lagos
  11. The team is called Ballyoulster United AFC and they are a team who have many youth teams. The club have set up a deal where the BUAFC staff spot potential talents and recommend them to the club regardless of whether they play for BUAFC or the opponents. Do you think that the club will take the idea of a scouting network in Ireland seriously? I was reading the Irish supports website earlier and one of the posts said that the academy director Ray Hall stated there is no talent in Ireland worth pursuing. If that is the case then why set up a feeder team? It's obviously not the case seeing as there have been lots of players from Ireland coming over to England in the past few seasons and proving they are good enough (Doyle is an obvious candidate). I've read a few irish people's opinions and they say it's bad for irish football because all the better players will be moving to merseyside, becoming disillusioned with football by 20 and knocking the football career on the head, instead of playing in the Eircom League.
  12. In this months four four two they said that football is becoming a major sport in India now. The picture was a whole family (including gran) watching a match on a 40inch tv. Man Utd recently signed Ishan Rawlley Singh who is a 20yr old Indian international winger - it could be a sign of things to come with the latest trend being young asian players as Arsenal have seemingly cornered the African market. Ajax's Winter was born and raised in India so there is talent out there and Norway have an Indian defender. This website has a lot of information on Indian football and it does seem like it has a lot of potential. Didn't Bury have an Indian footballer a few years ago? http://www.indianfootball.com/index1.html
  13. Some interesting comments from Emre, ending with a rather irrelevant reference to the Prime Minister of Turkey! Main thing is he seems to be admitting he used the world "black" or "negro" or... you know what, as part of an insult - but claims that isn't racist where he comes from. Dunno about you but if I heard someone call another person you "black bast#ard" or whatever, I'd call that an open-and-shut case, honestly.
  14. Jamie.. it's true.. Some fan walked on at highbury and vented his frustrations to Nyarko, Tony Adams marched him off the pitch. The shirt was black and Nyarko was wrong to jump to the wrong conclusion.
  15. Dacourt was brilliant. I was upset to see him leave. He loved it at the club although he did recommend Nyarko to us so it's not all good. Nyarko is playing in the Swiss second division now after costing us around 4million (more including wages)..
  16. Fair enough A bit cheeky this but can you get pictures used in the guardian ? Old or new.. just looking to get a few prints done for my room <- That's cool.
  17. Oh right.. heh. I know that's his nickname but I thought you were taking the piss saying we could get a fictional football mad character :|
  18. The ticket conductors at merseyrail will be wearing head gear with a camera inside to catch people with their feet on seats. They are looking to prosecute people because it's unhygenic. How bad is that? So for putting you feet on a seat on the train you could have a criminal record.
  19. I love the fact that he works at the Guardian and the editor gives him nuggets of information but he still comes on here looking for confirmation
  20. I've not heard anything - how did you hear that?
  21. To be fair, he was decent just had a lot of injury problems and suspensions. Although he treated the club like mugs and Walter Smith refused to play him, so he went back to Croatia whilst being paid 30k a week and only played in internationals. The club cut their losses as he still had 3yrs on his contract gave him a £1million pay off.
  22. The song you mentioned is based on I Want To Go Home by the Beach Boys but I don't know of any EFC song based on it.
  23. That's an excellent read MikeO. It'll be good to see Stubbs and Lee coaching in the future whether that be in the academy or down at Walton Hall park with EDSA. (I've moved topic to gen everton as he discusses his interest in coaching in the future and the derby).
  24. I was going to put that but thought better of it He also did Jamie Redknapp and recently Tim Cahill.
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