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Everything posted by Louis

  1. I've heard Clarence Dock mentioned.. http://www.liverpool2007.org.uk/docks/northdocks2.gif not far from the city centre.. and a lot bigger than Kings Dock and near a railway line so they could pop a station on the track for use during match days. It'd be ideal as that line goes to both Southport and Kirkby.
  2. It's affecting the whole of UEFA though Mark so it'll be in proportion. If anything it's a detriment to south american players who want to play in Europe.
  3. See his comments today? Preston North End star David Nugent says being released by Liverpool was the best thing that could have happened to him. Nugent is now the hottest talent outside the Premiership and told the Independent: "It is hard for a young lad to be released by Liverpool at 14. "But I think you've got more of a chance of coming through the lower leagues when you're released at 14 than 16 or 17, and I was determined. I've had other setbacks with injuries and illness but I was determined to keep going. Just after I was released by Liverpool I contracted viral meningitis. It wasn't a nice time by any means but what has happened since has been wonderful. Now I would say the best thing that ever happened to me was being released by Liverpool. It's not nice to be told you're not good enough so it's wonderful to be where I am now and it would be great to go into the Premiership with Preston and see their faces. It would be nice to think they'd have to buy me for £20m in a few years' time when they could have had me for nothing." The spurned Nugent did not have to wait long for his invitation back into the game. When his Sunday league team, Whiston Juniors, entered a five-a-side tournament in Blackpool the following season, his performances caught the eye of a Bury scout who contacted the club's youth-team coach, Andy Feeley. "We lost my first game for the youth team 4-3 but I scored a hat-trick in front of the Bury chairman and he offered me a youth contract there and then." Nugent knows what he wants to do should Preston fail to win promotion this season. "I want to play for Everton, there's no question about that," he states. "Everyone knows I'm an Everton fan. My hero was Duncan Ferguson and, hopefully, I will play for them in my career and I'm confident I will do. I used to wear my Everton top underneath my Liverpool training top, I hated wearing red at the time, but they gave me my chance to play at the School of Excellence and it was great there. "Now I've moved on. I am doing well at the moment with Preston but only when I am in the Premiership would I say I have proved those people wrong."
  4. They're fine with it Joe because a lot the foreign players came through their academy as they were transferred at a young age with their parents.
  5. Uefa have implemented a rule which will see clubs include a minimum number of eight homegrown players in their squads by the 2008-09 campaign. Good news I think..
  6. He scored a well taken goal, isn't he usually a winger but played up front for Germany u21.
  7. Joe.. is he left back or winger? I only know his name through the game 'Football Manager' and he is one of the best players on the game. Where did you read we were interested do you remember? It's quite strange that we are linked with two exotic names in one day when our scouting system is apparently so poor.
  8. How good are you at pumping incase he gets a flatty?
  9. It's the same as everywhere else then.. Only the scots seem to have a soft spot for Everton with Moyes, Naysmith and McFadden being here.
  10. Joe, should we expect an american invasion now that TH has signed full time for us?
  11. Umbro will be bought by Nike as Nike are desperate for the Everton contract (possibly the England one too.) Adidas bought out RBK two years ago.
  12. aaron. He does not take any medication at all for it as it affects his senses and reaction rate. See [here] If you see his interviews on Evertontv he does twitch, he blinks and he rubs his ears and nose.. and as The Prisoner says his head sways side to side. He says his concentration is so high during a game that he doesn't do it at all. He does not have verbal tourettes like that guy in big brother.
  13. Mike.. what do you think about this for a competition for in the summer.. Evertonise your shed.. turn your shed into a Everton shrine and you could win a signed shirt
  14. Micah Richards and Anton Ferdinand said they were called Monkeys by two of the germany players. FA complained to UEFA but nothing was ever done. Of the apparent incident Aaron Hunt, said there had been verbal sparring during the game but nothing remotely racist. "I did not use any racist terms whatsoever," Hunt said in a federation statement. "Obviously, there were some fierce verbal exchanges, but that sort of thing happens in every match. I just spent a week with the Under-21 team and shared a room together with Kevin Prince Boateng. He's a black player. I hope that says it all." Hunt recently made his German début but is unlikely to leave as Bremen are resigned to losing Klose in the summer and they dont want to lose two of their best players in a short time.
  15. Full Name: Joshua Gregory Lambo Nickname: Lamb Chop Date of birth: 19th November 1990 Hometown: Lansing, Michigan, U.S.A Height: 6" 1in Weight: 210 Ibs Position: Goalkeeper Favourite Players: Tim Howard, Andrei Shevchenko Favourite Teams: Everton, Manchester United Joshua Lambo will be joining the academy in the summer on a three year scholarship after impressing the coaching team in the summer of 2006. The then 15yr old trained with the Everton first team in Texas when the squad was preparing for their friendly against Columbus Crew and more recently in December 2006 when he spent a fortnight in Liverpool. Before he was invited to the U.S. Under-17 residency program in Bradenton he played for Middleton Soccer Team in Madison, this is where his coach Ken Burghy said: "He's an exceptional young man, all the way around," "He's extremely mature, he has good character, and obviously, he's a hard worker - you don't get to that level without having good discipline. ... He has a great future ahead of him." His favourite U.S. player is team mate Tim Howard, when asked the following question: Favorite MNT goalkeeper: Tim Howard, Kasey Keller or Marcus Hahnemann? He answered: “By far it is Tim Howard. He’s just an outstanding guy and a great ‘keeper. I respect him a lot because he has turrets syndrome, which my older brother has, and it’s a positive for my family because he proves to everyone that you can overcome it and it’s not really a disability. Overcoming that is just unbelievable and I give him the utmost respect for it.” Facts He played for USA under 17 team at the age of 14. His grandfather was born in an area of Macedonia that is now part of Greece and as such he can qualify for a Greek passport which will allow him to join the club in the summer without the worry of a work permit. Not unlike Tim Howard who gets around any work permit problems by using his Hungarian passport aquired through his Mother's nation. Links: http://centercircle.ussoccer.com/fullStory.jsp_2-281369.html http://www.madisonsoccercentral.com/news/l...update9806.html http://madisonsoccercentral.com/news/lambo-update112906.html http://madisonsoccercentral.com/WordPress/?p=205
  16. Louis

    I'm Joe

    Im slightly upset with his choice of avatar.. I was hoping for a Joe Royle one so I could refer to him as "big joe". http://images.icnetwork.co.uk/upl/icliverpool/oct2005/9/4/000D50B6-EE69-134C-9BFD0C02AC1BF824.jpg[/img]
  17. Louis


    What will you do without Corrie? Then what'll you do in your new shed?
  18. Louis


    Best comedy on four was Spaced
  19. Howard (he's nikes 5 a side goalie in charity matches) Ferdinand King Gerrard Rooney (same as howard)
  20. Louis


    What is ITV's obsession with middle aged people having sex? Bonkers, Benidorm, Obsessions of Diary Clerk and Life Begins.. and they all seem to have some kind of spanish salsa music too..
  21. Chester City don't receive that kind of exposure Pat.
  22. Reebok arn't going to do any more kits after being bought out by Adidas... It's unknown whats going to happen to Bolton's stadium/kit just yet because they are owned outright by Reebok and their stadium doubles up as their head office.
  23. MikeO doesnt have porn. He is porn.. Im going to boring and suggest a pad lock.. Mac would probably recommend a tin of blue paint.
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