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Everything posted by Louis

  1. Oh right.. we do get beer - Budweiser, have you heard of it? It's just in bottles and they pour them into a cup sslloowwllyy.
  2. Are you saying Arsenal havn't lost their tradition?
  3. How is that managed wellafella ? Do you get a token from somebody and fill your cup with ale or is it a vending machine type thing where you put your money in and lo and behold a pint comes out? It is something the fans have been pining for, for a while now because the service in GP is a bit slow.
  4. To be honest Gaz... 100% against your argument at this moment in time. Why should we move because we can see Anfield from our ground? That's a ludicrous reason to move stadium! Goodison can be redeveloped and the council leader has said (on record) that he is willing to demolish those houses (council owns them) and move the school (as the amount of children in walton is dwindling) behind bullens road if it means Everton can expand and stay in the city. Click here for more information on redevelopment musings. Wigan, Sunderland, Coventry may have a better stadium in your opinion, but what in yours makes a good stadium? Does it have to be modern? I'm not a fan of LCC either but imo we should stay firmly in the city region. Liverpool did not pay a penny towards the stanley park land as they have given the anfield land back to the council for 'regeneration'. Don't be too sure about their new owners either, they have bought the club and it is not costing them a penny, they've simply took a massive loan out - in effect it's their fans who are paying for everything they get not the americans so please don't get it into your head that Abrahamovic's long-lost brother from Walton is going to be the answer. I am becoming more and more biased against the new stadium everyday. It is a factor of me living on the Wirral so Kirkby is further for me, I can't see tourists visiting Liverpool travelling 7 miles to a town centre stadium to see us play when they can travel 2 miles to watch football of the same standard in a larger brand's bigger stadium. It's a lose lose situation for us. Personally I am pinning my hopes on a LCC 'rescue plan' to help redevelop Goodison Park if they are so desperate for us to stay. There are some people who say that the deal is as good as done. If the majority of fan's want it then it is, but if those who do not want it are in the majority the club have said they will not move. At the moment it is Tesco who have paid for all planning, surveying and research into Kirkby. If it was the club who had paid I'd be more worried.
  5. Beaten to death by a policeman on CCTV knowing you.
  6. That leaves four windows free according to my calculations
  7. TT has been going longer though I remember posting about whether David Moyes would be the right man because he is unproven and is the cheap option back in 2002!
  8. Some videos on youtube.. hes only scored 4 goals for Swindon all season so it's a gamble.
  9. It makes sense Mac, Im notgoing to disagree with your post.. An idea I've had is it could become like basketball where if you have the ball in your opposition's half you can't pass it back into your own half forcing teams to attack.
  10. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/6458843.stm
  11. It turns out I had a slight misunderstanding by how the standing area works.. For league games the seats are locked up vertically and can not be used. For UEFA Cup games they are locked down horizontally and can be used only for standing.
  12. I recently read that Leon is eligible to play for Turkey because has has a Turkish-Cypriot father. I don't know whether he could play for Cyprus but I doubt it as the Turkish and Greek parts of cyprus don't get on.. question is would Ossie get into the turkish squad? and would he want to?
  13. I don't know about government funding etc. interesting thought. I've been in a very anti kirkby mood today and I saw it as a "when we move we can stand - support the move" campaign.
  14. Should standing terraces be reintroduced? Please give reasons for and against in this topic from now on.
  15. I can't see him forming a succesful partnership with our other Polish Briton AJ though.. not because of his footballing ability but because poles repel. Quality joke that.
  16. Zed.. I didn't say it was a conspiracy as such.. I've just pointed out that the local papers are not too keen give any details out for those who wish for Everton to stay in the city.
  17. Sorry about the late reply BC.. There is something in the pipeline.. only a few days away to be honest. We'ere just waiting for a logo and we are good to go. If you would like to help us out with this project then please PM with any ideas or suggestions for content that you have Louis
  18. If there's a demand for them I wouldn't mind getting a few printed.. £2 is a 'ballpark' figure... Who knows what the future holds? "Brand awareness" is defo up.. Also for some reason TT has been placed in a prominent place on the Keep Everton in Our City myspace.
  19. In the above picture the seats are foldable back and forth and there is a large bar in front of the seats for people to rest on whilst standing.
  20. If a ToffeeTalk car sticker was printed out (i.e. blue on white background).. two questions.. would you pay £2 for one and would you use it ?
  21. Keith the don/Chief Wyness has requested that a trial for standing during the games be conducted at Everton.. It can only be a good thing for us as lots of people want standing reintroduced but it will not be like it was before as safety proceedures still have to be followed.. See picture below: It is worth pointing out that the people behind the hillsbrough disaster memorial are against it for obvious reasons.
  22. That goes without saying Zed but can you honestly say we get as much publicity as Spurs or West Ham ? That's where London Bias kicks in. Also I'm very disappointed with the way Trinity Mirror Group have not mentioned the KEIOC Campaign, it's a complete whitewash and cuts off the fans from having a voice on the local media. Of course they are only looking after their own business interests (they publish the monthly Evertonian and Annuals). The TM group control the echo, daily post, liverpool metro and the wirral globe (probably the local liverpool papers but I wouldnt know about that).
  23. According to the guy himself it's more than 750k
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