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Everything posted by Louis

  1. Wheres your Everton tattoo Joe? You seem to have one for everything else
  2. Louis


    JD... set your 'Tivo', it's that good.
  3. Louis


    I can see this ending 0-0.
  4. Dunno Mike, I know that football league clubs do it, it's probably against Premier League rules or something though.
  5. according to those on kipper, RBS will be on the shirts but Chang will be on the shorts.
  6. I've also just aquired the arctic monkeys album... it's pretty good... favourite track is fluorescent adolescent.
  7. FIFA could see their confusing transfer regulations challenged in the European courts after Cork City were refused permission to register players who had already represented two clubs since last July. The Irish outfit signed Colin Healy and Gareth Farrelly on two year deals in February but were subsequently told they would be unable to feature until the end of the current worldwide registration period which ends on June 30. Cork would have been their third club which is against the governing body's rules. However, the Eircom league outfit felt they had a strong case when appealing the decision considering Javier Mascherano's move to West Ham from Liverpool in January. Liverpool argued that the regulation did not apply as Mascherano had spent time with Corinthians in Brazil, where the season is run in line with a January to December calendar. This is just how the football season runs in Ireland. But this week FIFA threw out the appeal barring the two players from working in football again until July 1. It means FIFA's rule is in conflict with European Union law which forbids restrictions for its citizens to work when and where they want. Cork still have the right to a further appeal through the footballing authorities but the players themselves could take the matter to the European courts. It is believed that as many as 30 players hoping to register for Irish clubs face similar problems. The Finnish FA has already decided to ignore FIFA's rule and allow players to register under these same circumstances. Cork boss Damien Richardson told the Irish Examiner: 'The whole situation puts the players and myself in a precarious position. It's not politically correct to stop men with family responsibilities from earning a living. 'I can't see that being accepted in any law, in any country, in any part of the world. We're reaching a very difficult situation if fellas just have to sign on the dole, go look for a postman's job or work in the bank. 'There's very, very hard decisions to be made and very, very hard questions to be asked. FIFA just seem to be washing their hands of this. I've got to exert as much pressure on people as I possibly can. 'Is it the fact that unless you're one of the big important people, you're not important? The morality and legality of situation needs to be looked at. I don't think there's a country in the world, no matter how developed, that can deny a man his right to a living. If he's got a job how can you stop him working. It's a basic human right.'
  8. http://au.setanta.com/portal/article/footb...02572b500387067 Is he any good Joe? Full USA international.. apparently a poor mans Robben?
  9. Their celebrating their Centenary Year - 1907-2007 http://www.cammelllairdfc.co.uk/index.php In a few years the way things are going, they will be above Tranmere. If they win in their play offs that will make three consecutive promotions which will see them in the league beneath the conference.
  10. What he's not saying is that he was playing for the boys..
  11. Louis


    In classroom full of 8 year old students a teacher posed a question. "If 3 pigeons are sitting on a washing line and I shoot one of them, how many will be left?" After a moment of silence the teacher called on the only student whose hand was in the air. Eric was her star student and was always ready for a challenge. She asked Eric to come to the front of the classroom and answer the question. She said again. "If 3 pigeons are sitting on a washing line and I shoot one of them, how many will be left?" Eric looked at her and said. "Well Miss, if there are 3 piegons on a washing line and you shoot one of them, one will die and the other 2 will fly away because of the noise." The teacher looked at Eric and said "Well that wasn't the answer I was looking for, it was 2, but I like the way you think." She asked Eric to go back to his desk but he turned around and said "I have a question for you Miss." Since she thought he'd done well with her question she said "ok." So he began. "There are 3 women sitting on a park bench all with lollypops in their hands. One of the women is licking her lolly, one is nibbling her lolly, and the other is sucking her lolly. Which one is married?" Feeling rather embarrassed by the question but also obligated to answer the teacher said "The woman who is sucking her lolly?" Eric looked at her and said "No Miss, it is the one with a ring on her finger, but I like the way you think."
  12. Sorry Jo.. only team I've heard of is the Mighty Ducks of Anaheim
  13. xbox is free but they charge you to play someone online.. you can download demos and stuff for free
  14. I didn't know you could get radio receptions or electricity in Skegness!
  15. Wirral council have announced plans to have hawks in the major town centres to help reduce the pigeon problems.. not right imo.. Dunc will be fuming
  16. PM me what you'd like to be called and I'll do it for you.
  17. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...em=290080069243 http://www.adamthole.com/?cat=5 Do you reckon that this will catch on?
  18. Does anyone follow it on here? Im watching it now.. it seems to a cross between kick boxing and wwe.
  19. He's saying we should be hoping AC do well because if they finish 5th we will draw them first round.. if they finish 5th then the chances we will have them in 1st round are quite high.
  20. are no more.. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/football/e...onf/6534843.stm
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