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Everything posted by Louis

  1. Interested to read he never met Moyesy but signed anyway!
  2. I would have loved to have heard that conversation. Does that count as Moyes tapping him up as presumably there were no discussions between clubs at that point?
  3. Who knows. LCC are saying that the scheme involving Everton is not the right solution for Kirkby.
  4. It's a bit technical but the topic title sums it up. "The development does not appear to be justified and does not relate to Kirkby’s position in the hierarchy within both the existant Regional Spatial Strategy (RSS) and the emerging RSS which does not support large scale growth at Kirkby. It does not consider the role and function of Kirkby within the Regional hierarchy to explain why it should secure development by relying on trade which could more appropriately be directed to other centres. In particular there are two sites identified within Kirkby Town Centre which could provide enhanced retail facilities and assist in revitalising Kirkby. With regard to this, it is understood that there is an alternative town centre scheme coming forward which needs to be taken into account in any sequential analysis. There would not be capacity for both and Knowsley should consider whether the town centre scheme would better comply with the Knowsley UDP, RSS and PPS6 in terms of location and scale. Unfortunately this has led them to produce the IPS which has little if any weight or status in statutory terms and should not in any event be used to reallocate the use of land in this case from green-space to built development. The production of the IPS departs from statutory planning procedures, the purpose of which is to bring forward land use policy, and consequential developments, in a comprehensive and consistent way. Knowsley’s existing recently adopted UDP does not support these development proposals and it will be some time before its Local development Framework could provide the necessary enabling policies. Moreover the IPS acknowledges that Regional Spatial Strategy (RSS), which is also, part of Knowsley’s development plan, does not support the scale of development proposed at Kirkby, because the Town’s current position within the retail hierarchy does not give the town a regionally significant role."
  5. I've been listening to Talking Heads.. sheer quality
  6. Harry Redknapp has gone from 13/1 to 2/1 for the job tonight.. Apparently someone bet £275,000 on Redknapp getting the job!
  7. Signed... sealed and delivered!
  8. Personally Im surprised that the transfer window still exists.. it could be ripped apart in court as a restriction of trade !
  9. Do you have high hopes for Tsvetan Genkov?
  10. The Boxing Aussie is a strange name for a Bulgarian! Welcome to the forum
  11. Bite their hand off! If you buy it in store they will try and sell you an extended warranty and anti-virus programs, don't buy them because they're a waste of money.
  12. Carl, we have.. FIFA have ordered Pienaar to the South Africa squad. They acted pretty quick
  13. In short: South Africa expected Pienaar to arrive for camp yesterday David Moyes wants Pienaar to play at Chelsea. Pienaar wants to play Chelsea David Moyes has said Pienaar can play Chelsea and will have two weeks with SA squad before their first game of AFCON. SAFA are saying that Everton are breaching rules and want to get FIFA involved.
  14. http://www.businessday.co.za/articles/spor...x?ID=BD4A673898
  15. I'm looking forward to this.. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that Cameroon will win but Sudan (dark horses) will be there abouts. I hope to be getting some press packs soon so i'll try and keep you all up to date. I'm thinking of volunteering for the 2010 Angola tournament. It'd be an amazing experience.
  16. There's no proof as it hasn't been officially confirmed.. Apparently Manny is waiting for the Spanish police to punish him, if he leaves Spain prior to the Police's decision he will receive an automatic jail sentence.
  17. Probably because the club are denying reports (despite the story quoting a Everton spokesman) so don't know what the heck is going on.
  18. Louis


    At least we can concentrate on the League, UEFA Cup and League Cup..
  19. Louis


    Still 1-0 down.... I don't care about the FA Cup this year for some reason, I think it's because I've been pre-occupied with League Cup and UEFA. If we lose, we lose. Ce'st la vie.
  20. Craccer.. done deal according to Spanish press.. He's coming on loan to us for rest of the season with the option of a £15million transfer at the end of season. The article says he left the Mestella after meeting with the club's sporting director at 14:20 yesterday to meet with a club representative.
  21. Where is/was the Eileen Craven car park? I've heard that it's been sold on now but I don't know where it is
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