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Everything posted by Louis

  1. The club own some, the council own some, the council have said they will knock them down if Everton wish to extend Goodison.
  2. New radio station starts tomorrow at 6am.. http://www.citytalk.fm
  3. Apparently the Nigeria squad are under the watch of armed guards as many Nigerian fans are not happy with the performances so far.
  4. I was under the impression all Irish could play for whichever they want (Northern or Republic) under the good friday agreement? Good to hear that the lad has a bit of loyalty though, I watched the Victory Shield and there were a few good players there.
  5. Please put your preference for a stadium in order from the following : Kirkby Redeveloped Goodison Scotland Road Stanley Park (groundshare) First being ideal situation, last being.. well last resort. These are my preferences: Scotland Road Redeveloped Goodison Stanley Park (groundshare) Kirkby
  6. Email fmni_research@hotmail.com - he should be able to help you out.
  7. Hello ToffeeTalker, This site has been down for over four days recently. This was because we went over our bandwidth limit as many people were trying to visit the site because of the mass interest in semi-final game against Chelsea. To prevent the site going down again for when we win in the UEFA Cup final (!) we have taken the precautionary step of moving ToffeeTalk to it's own hosting account. The only drawback of this is we now have one eye on how much bandwidth is being used by the site and so we've decided to make it a member-only website again. I realise that many people prefer not to register and simpy browse through the topics but unfortunately this is no longer an option because of the bandwidth constraints. To become a member you will need to register, this can be done at http://www.toffeetalk.com/register.html This is free of charge and no money will change hands. Once you are a full member you can also play games in the arcade (we have over 60 to choose from) and participate in our competitive prediction league. Louis (admin@toffeetalk.com) ToffeeTalk Admin
  8. Not a bigun... but mods can now edit the title under member's name
  9. click on the minus sign and it goes away
  10. yep There is the odd bug to fix.
  11. I can't see that being true at all. It would be cheaper to build it than to keep it in storage for a year or two. Look at Merseytram, millions of pound worth of steel rail lines sitting in storage and they are looking to sell it off because it costs too large an amount to store. On a similar note I heard that Peter Johnson didn't want to add a second tier to the Park End because it would cost £2million more, it makes you think, had he had a different opinion the Kirkby conundrum would never have arisen. Incidentally my old college tutor was a steward at the weekends and when pressed for gossip he very rarely had any.
  12. Edit - I voted yes. This is because I believe that a number of lies have come out of the club. They denied that the loop site was big enough and even had a picture of the Kirkby stadium on the loop sticking out. Terry Leahy of Tesco confirmed it would fit into the site in his open letter to Evertonians. They said they have spoken at great lengths about moving to a site in Liverpool, Liverpool Council have said talks never took place. They said that rebuilding Goodison would cost too much, only for us to find out that Kirkby is a similar price in total.
  13. There was but people were sending money through it for the Rhys Jone trophy so I took it down to avoid people becoming confused. I've now readded it I appreciate any donations that people are willing to make, they go towards: Renewing toffeetalk.com domain - annual Paying for website hosting - annual Recouping cost of Invision board license - one off
  14. There will be a lot of people out there who beleive that we will be spending £35million on a new stadium. It's one major PR campaign at the moment. I've been told the KEIOC campaign have a few tricks up their sleeve. Incidentally, the new Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport is an Evertonian and a KEIOC supporter which may be a kick in the teeth for the Kirkby plans.
  15. On January 24th the following was published in the Echo: Everton promise to pay for Kirkby parking I thought "well done" as the Echo was finally publishing what I consider a fair piece of journalism as it offered both sides of the argument. It seems that Liverpool Echo's Tina Miles may have had her hand slapped by her seniors and the club for her troubles judging by the follow up. Today (26th) this was published: Everton FC promises to be a good neighbour I was personally not present at the Kirkby residents meeting but I have read accounts by people who were and some state that an Everton public relations employee was in attendance but he was not happy to be asked questions as he had not brought any relevant information on the proposed move with him. I may be wrong but if an Everton employee is present but not in a capacity to speak publicly to Kirkby residents then he is not at that time an Everton representative? KRAG's spokesman Ian Morris was in attendance at the meetings and he was not aware that the club's public relations officer was also present, I am absolutely certain he would not have publicly stated "they didn’t even turn up to a public consultation" had he known. Did the Everton employee wear a badge on his chest proudly proclaiming 'Everton representative' on it or did he stand towards the back of the hall, away from line of questioning knowing if he introduced himself he would have been the subject of a barrage of questioning? Originally the picture on the Everton promise to pay for Kirkby parking article was of the proposed stadium in a retail park. The original article now has the glossy picture from the voting brochure in place of the picture of a stadium in a retail park. It's a subtle change but it makes a large difference to the outcome of the article. Something is certainly amiss here, surely. Why is the club public relations officer turning up to Kirkby resident's groups incognito and why has the picture been changed on the Liverpool Echo website?
  16. Bill - "Clearly it’s possible to lift the stadium design for Kirkby (or one like it) and drop it onto Goodison or the loop site – and in my heart as a fan, it looks nice." - Sir Terry Leahy He then follows that up with "But unless the club is offered a concrete proposal to own a £150 million stadium for around £35 million investment by Everton, and delivered by 2010 / 11 then I’m afraid it is not a realistic option."
  17. It's an ongoing thing, under the good friday agreement any player from Ireland can play for Northern Ireland and vice versa. The first person to test it out was Darron Gibson, needless to say Northern Ireland's fans are not happy about it. FIFA don't want it to happen again but there's nothing they can do really
  18. I thought this may make an interesting debate. You'll Never Walk Alone has been adopted as the unoffiical tune for the event. The likes of Paul McArtney are set to play at Anfield whilst Goodison Park seemingly has no events planned - there may be some, but I can't find them on the Everton site. Bill Shankley is to have a play performed about his life - deservedly so but there is no Everton equivalent, there are some guys who want to make a film celebrating 80th anniversary of Dean's 60 goals but I don't think they've been able to acquire the funding. Phil Redmond compared the opening event to Liverpool winning the Champions League During the opening show people were encouraged to chant "Liverpool" in the same fashion as the Liverpool supporters would. If you think the events are slightly biased, what could be done to redress the balance?
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