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Everything posted by Louis

  1. They could be punished by UEFA because one of the Brann supporters threw a cue ball at Howard in the second half.
  2. I thought Saw 2 was better than Saw but 3 was awful. I've not seen 4 yet. Gore - looking forward to Rambo
  3. http://www.uefa.com/printoutfiles/competit...e_301925_pk.pdf
  4. There's an interview with Keith Wyness about this at http://www.toffeetalk.com/index.php?showtopic=10195 from yesterday. He comes across a money grabber :\
  5. Sad but true. There are a few councillors opposing the scheme going door to door to let people sign objection sheets and they'll be handed in tomorrow. It's just a shame that the result won't be heard until May.
  6. BBC today interviewed Keith Wyness with regards to the Premier League plans to play one game abroad every season as of 2010. To help understand the interview, this is what the one-time Everton bashing Prime Minister Gordon Brown said: “I think the fans have got to come first, you've got audiences around the world if that is money that is going back into football and if that is helping keeping the price of tickets down in England that will be something that people will want to take into account but it really is, let's hear what the fans say on this, there's no doubt about the world wide interest in the premier league and there's no doubt that it's good for football because it gets more money into the game in England. The English Premier League has taken over the Spanish and the Italian as being probably the one that people want to watch the most and therefore you've got to get the best players into the league but let's see what the fans say about this, it’s important to recognise that all the money should go back into the game.” The interview went like so: BBC: You’ve got FIFA saying you’ve got to get it past us –they’re not convinced, Michel Platini saying it’s a joke, Sir Alex Ferguson’s not amused that he wasn’t consulted, Gordon Brown says if you do this you’ve got to use the money to subsidise the next generation in terms of season tickets. Do you accept you’ve got a PR battle on your hands at the moment? Keith Wyness: No. I can think I can accept the fact that I’m surprised people are taking such hardened positions already because all we’ve done is put forward a concept and idea, we’ll discuss it over the next few months. There’s a lot of detail to come out yet and I think it’s hard for people to take such hardened positions so soon. BBC: This issue of the 39th game also vexes a lot of people and there are suggestions that it completely skews the element of the competition if you’re going to do this keep it as 38 games they’re saying, maybe even if this season – if I am a season ticket holder here at Everton I have one fewer game the season after I wouldn’t. Do you accept that is really concerning people? The 39th game might just dislocate the competition. Keith Wyness: My sense of the arguments at the moment are every except the global appeal of the premiership, there is a massive interest overseas, there are many fans overseas we have to serve as well BBC: Sorry, why do you have to serve them? Keith Wyness: Well I think there is such a keen interest in the premier league, I think it’s important we try and help them get more involved in the premier league. It is a position that the premiership is the top league in the world. We have to carry on consolidating that position. BBC: People at home would just think this is about money? You want to consolidate that position to make more money. You want to take games abroad to make more money. Is that all it’s about? Keith Wyness: As I said, if you’d let me finish. Apart from commercial consideration there is also the footballing consideration obviously and that is still a debate that is being had. There is a lot of detail still come out. I am confident the premier league has thought this through. They will. I’m sure in due course unveil the details. Now my reading of it is FIFA have not said they are going to impose, they said they are going to examine it, it’s a different thing. I think Gordon Brown also, although I’m surprised a Raith Rovers fan is getting involved in English football has said we should be listening to the fans and we will do of course. There are a lot of things to be said here but the debate has only just started. BBC: David Gold at Birmingham City said to us that the money as far as he is concerned is going towards subsidising season tickets because at the moment the average age of a season ticket is frighteningly high, I believe it is 39 – the highest of any major European league. Would you go along with that here at Everton, would you use some of that money to subsidise season tickets so you get the next generation in. Keith Wyness: There are many things to look at, obviously numerous sources would give us a lot of opportunities to look at things like that; initiatives – given that we only got this thrown at us at half past ten last Thursday morning and as I say there is a long time yet to have this debate. Those are very interesting lines of approach and I think it will benefit the whole game in general BBC: What part will the fans play in all this, in other words if they are as hostile as they have been so far, to what extent will you take their views into account? Keith Wyness: Obviously we have to listen to that debate and we have initial gut reactions in the media right now, Gordon Brown used the word consultation and that’s a very, very broad word. Richard Scudamore said if we listened to fans on all issues we would be kicking off every Saturday afternoon at 3pm, the Premier League may not be in existence, many things wouldn’t have moved forward. I think it’s right that the premiership shows leadership and takes things forward having consulted properly in the appropriate ways, what those appropriate ways are – we don’t know yet and what those bodies are is difficult to see. I’m quite sad that some of the fan groups have taken such strong positions when we haven’t the details so far, that’s an important thing. We have to take a deep breath and look at this for a little while longer. BBC: An Evertonian season ticket said if this happens and Everton play in Bangkok, the previous home game at Goodison Park will be his last. If he or she was here what would you say to them? Keith Wyness: I’d say “Hey, let’s work this through”. I’d say that that is a gut reaction for something that has happened in the last 48 hours, I think a reasoned response is what is needed right now. I think it’s a very exciting opportunity, I think it’s the way forward for the league, I really do. BBC: Is this only the start then, amongst that meeting are you saying “well. Let’s start with one game, who knows it might go to more than one game. Keith Wyness: No, that is one thing that was discussed and I think we are very clear that it will be one game that is what we are talking about; one weekend in the Premiership and not starting to creep into a bigger number of games. It’s all part of the detail that will come forward and I am confident that Richard [scudamore] will come forward and provide that, BBC: Are you surprised by the reaction thus far? Keith Wyness: Not really, in a sense I’m pleased it’s so important to so many people; it shows the strength of the premiership. That’s a positive for us. It’s provoked headlines all around the world. It shows the position we have. We have to capitalise on that. BBC: Do you think you have to try and convince people it’s not about money? Keith Wyness: It’s about the position of the Premiership as the league, money will come from that, there’s no doubt but there’s also then the power to do great community work and programmes that come with the responsibility of being in the top league. There’s a much broader issue, it has to be thought about as well. So to summarise, Keith Wyness is like an old girl on Walton Lane raising her skirt to any country that wants to host a Premier League game.
  7. Did anybody watch this on BBC the other night? If you missed it you can still watch it at www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer Personally I enjoyed it
  8. Kirkby Lib Dem carried out a survey of 1400 people in Kirkby, 86% were against the stadium being built. They handed this into the council only to be told it doesn't count as the deadline has passed. Labour originally surveyed 400 people and found the that Kirkby wanted regeneration... It's very fishy all of this.
  9. I don't know but they have received over 1400+ objections to the scheme so far and a residents action group has gone door to door with a form for residents to fill in because the council did not give the residents a vote
  10. Depends.... in the SPL they extended the number of subs to be named providing two players where homegrown and the under age of 21. I don't know if something similar is planned for the PremierLeague.
  11. The second email was misleading, although the decision will now be made in May, the deadline for objections is still this week (Feb 11th- believe)
  12. 19 year old Jin Hui, winner of China's football icon will join Everton after the Chinese New Year. http://www.uk.cn/bj/index.asp?menu_id=337&artid=2793
  13. Dear Supporter, Knowsley Borough Council will not now decide on the Club's planning application for the proposed new stadium in Kirkby until May. Yours sincerely, Keith Wyness CEO Everton Football Club
  14. Dear Supporter, The next few weeks will, undoubtedly, represent some of the most crucial and significant in our great Club’s long history. As David Moyes and his players continue their collective attempt to ensure a season of excellence is graced with a tangible end product, we have reached a critical phase of the "Destination Kirkby" project which, if successful, will see us relocate to a new home just five miles from Goodison Park in Knowsley. On April 18, Knowsley Borough Council will decide whether or not to rubber-stamp our recently-submitted planning application. I am aware that many people believe that this is a done deal and that the Council’s approval is now a foregone conclusion; it is not. We believe that moving to Kirkby represents the very best possible deal as we seek to restore Everton to a position of due prominence within English and European football. Over the past few months we have been working hard to ensure that the people of Kirkby are aware that should we relocate, we will not only prove to be a "good neighbour" but that we will also fully integrate with the local community AND bring with us a wide range of ground-breaking initiatives and schemes. Although we recently won a mandate from our supporters to continue negotiations about the possibility of relocation, we do still need the help and support of those who back the Club’s Board of Directors. If you live in Knowsley and support the proposed new stadium please consider writing to Knowsley Borough Council to express that support – become an ambassador for Everton Football Club. Write to: Knowsley Borough Council, Development Control, Municipal Buildings, Archway Road, Huyton, L36 9SB. Yours sincerely, Keith Wyness CEO Everton Football Club
  15. Can't help you really if the website is down as the email address wont work. the email address is info@ruleteros.com Their phone number is 07867 822 648 (John Shearon) Its listed on the official site so I guess its ok to publish mobile number on here.
  16. I think we are a winger and a striker away. providing Pienaar and Fernandes stay. I'll say £15-20million is needed. Don't underestimate Villa though, they will become a force to be reckoned with in the coming years.
  17. There's not that much difference between Kenwright and G&H in my opinion. Both have never paid a penny into the club Both loan money for player transfers with the intention that sky income and fans income will pay it off. Both owners are putting their clubs into serious debt for a stadium Both intend to loan money from a third party to build a stadium The only difference is Kenwright purchased the club with a mortgage that he pays for from his theatre shows whilst G&H use the money that Liverpool generates. If Everton could generate a profit as big as Liverpool could, do you think Kenwright would choose to pay the mortgage from his own bank account? I don't. If Kenwright had the ability to secure a multi million pound loan would he look to build a stadium without third party help not unlike what Gilette and Hicks are doing because they can secure the money? If the yanks couldn't afford to secure such a loan, wouldn't they be looking for enabling partners for a stadium to get their way ? They are scarily similar chairmen in my opinion. Kenwright's only saving grace seems to be people know he is an Evertonian.
  18. Azzi.. have you ever considered making a similar system for Xbox Live? I.e. score updates appear on the screen when you're playing a game.
  19. Pensioner in parking row 'died after attackers used police computer to track him down.' A pensioner involved in a row about a parking space collapsed and died within minutes of a revenge attack after his alleged killers used a policeman to trace his address, a court heard yesterday. Bernard Gilbert, 79, was targeted for revenge after arguing with shopper Zoe Forbes when she "nipped into" his space at an Asda supermarket. A jury heard Mrs Forbes, 26, immediately phoned her husband Mark, who told her to write down the pensioner's registration plate. The couple plotted their revenge and Forbes even sent his wife a text message promising: "We'll smash his car to bits and then his hire car and then whatever he gets after that until he dies." Nottingham Crown Court heard Forbes, 40, contacted a friend who knew a policeman. The officer typed Mr Gilbert's number plate into the police national computer to find his address. four days after the row, Forbes and his brother, Steven, 22, drove to Mr Gilbert's bungalow and threw half a brick through the bedroom window. The pensioner died of a heart attack within 35 minutes. Steven Forbes, who later confessed to throwing the brick, has admitted a charge of criminal damage.
  20. It was on google video a while back but now it's been removed unfortunately.
  21. When the new Secretary of Sport was asked if he pleased with the idea of Everton in Kirkby he said: "Instinctively my heart lies at Goodison and I have to say no. I'll continue to watch this debate and I have to be persuaded that it has long term benefits for Everton. I realise that the club are wrestling with difficult questions and they are going to need to look at modernising our stadium at some point but I continue to follow the debate closely." He'll be meeting with the club next week to discuss the move.
  22. The FA have been forced to drop a charge of improper conduct against David Moyes - thanks to evidence supplied by the Liverpool ECHO. Moyes was charged with two breaches of FA rule E3 following comments he made about Mark Clattenburg's performance in the Goodison derby in October. But after the intervention of the Echo, the FA has dropped the first charge. Graham Bean, of Football Factors who represented Moyes said: "Thanks to the evidence supplied by the Liverpool Echo we could prove that David had not made the comments which were alleged of him. "Without it then there was a possibility that the charge would have been found proven and it cannot be right that the FA are reliant upon inaccurate evidence. It would have been the equivalent of a miscarriage of justice! "The FA now need to review their whole policy on charging people in the game where they rely on the content of a newspaper article as this episode has proved highly embarrassing for them. They have withdrawn a charge because they have failed to ensure that the evidence they relied upon is correct." The Echo supplied a recording of David Moyes' post-match press conference following the October derby match, which proved he did not actually make comments which were reported elsewhere. Moyes does, however, still face another charge of improper conduct following comments he is alleged to have made about Clattenburg the following week at a separate press conference.
  23. I bet as soon as you cut it, you remembered the combination!
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