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Everything posted by Louis

  1. http://img21.imageshack.us/img21/4655/skyonkirkby.jpg (921kb)
  2. Apparently they did and now it's friggin gillette soccer special so I can't confirm! grr.
  3. Hopefully Baz Rathbone will have him in the physio room tapping player's (like the jukebox) and healing them.
  4. For real Mike. He's in Liverpool for a pantomine and will be a guest.
  5. It'll be announced here: http://www.communities.gov.uk/corporate/newsroom/ The Applicants Tesco/Everton will be told an hour in advance, firstly by phone, then email and then it wll be sent out to those who have registered an interest.
  6. He's been invited to the director's box for the game.
  7. The ballot for fans was in August 2007. The club and Tesco could have entered into further agreements but it's unknown if they have done so.
  8. http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/61383caa-d899-11de-b63a-00144feabdc0.html?nclick_check=1
  9. I oppose it I accidentally deleted the poll when merging the topics. Sorry!!
  10. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/football_focus/8371984.stm
  11. This derby will make or break our season, it'll be interesting to see the reaction to the ground move result.
  12. Sickening if true. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/leagues/premierleague/manutd/6616992/Manchester-United-3-Everton-0-match-report.html
  13. The decision is still going to be next week (Thursday or Friday in my opinion). Patto, some of it is gobbledegook to me too. Essentially what is happening is that Knowsley's Liberal Democrats believe it is unjustified state aid and have reported it to an MEP to look into. The letter says it was valued as 50million in both 2003 and 2006 but when it come to planning stage later on in 2006 the value decreased. I don't think land values will have decreased almost 80% in six months. Something might come out of it, it might not (and probably won't).
  14. You can see Tynecastle from the rail in Edinburgh.. you can see St. James Park in Newcastle.. Darlington's, Elland Road in Leeds. Can you see both Dundee stadiums?
  15. It is an MP3. You're voice is now an audio file being pumped out to thousands of manc (and cockney!) ears.
  16. I'm inclined to agree with Hafnia.. the reason for the turnover increase is to do with increasing amounts of TV revenue coming in because SKY are paying the Premier League more. In April 2010, the club will announce an even higher revenue amount; Lescott's sale, the FA Cup run prize money and a record breaking TV deal. The kitbag deal was an improvement upon the JJB one by far. The JJB one was ridiculed by fans because JJB didn't restock when a product had been sold and they refused to hold a store in the city centre.
  17. From Tabacula.com - the Film's company who are creating the Dixie Dean film.. Not sure if this is up to date but the cast includes Tim Cahill and is to be produced by Bill Kenwright - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1529249/
  18. This letter was sent to Chris Davies MEP by Knowsley Liberal Democrats. Apparently, one of the documents suggests suggests that KMBC will receive one third of "the income generated from the operation of any new stadium."
  19. What figures are you looking at nogs? The debt has increased around £65million since 1999. Have a look at this site - http://www.scribd.com/SwerveEFC - a load of published accounts since mid Johnson era. SteveO - You Johnsonite!! You know what.. PJ might be a good guest for Talking Toffee.
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