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Everything posted by Louis

  1. This is embarrassing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wi4JTKYZ0mc
  2. From man of the match performances in the SPL to the Vodkat league in the space of two years. http://www.liverpool...00252-27481231/
  3. I think it deserves it's own thread? http://www.zonalmarking.net/2010/10/17/everton-2-0-liverpool-tactics/
  4. Cahill goal - http://www.101greatgoals.com/videodisplay/tim-cahill-everton-liverpool-7233393/ Arteta goal - http://www.101greatgoals.com/videodisplay/mikel-arteta-everton-liverpool-7233486/
  5. Here's the followup: http://www.toffeeweb.com/season/10-11/comment/fan/16228.html I'd never read this Times Article before: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/sport/football/premier_league/everton/article4467155.ece
  6. Probably his agent. If he does leave and Arsenal show an interest he will go there, he was an Arsenal supporter as a kid.
  7. Isn't that an open secret in Chester? Nearly every one at MBNA knows it to be true.
  8. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/teams/everton/8067066/Moyes-Debt-becoming-unfashionable.html
  9. This Ireland Newstalk Podcast suggests that Pienaar will leave Everton because Everton flat out refuse to give him parity with Arteta. http://media.newstalk.ie/newstalk/media_uploads/upload_mp3/12745750991410.mp3 http://media.newstal...45750991410.mp3 (right click and save to pc) relevant part is 32 minutes in
  10. I thought I would have stopped seeing Lisa Simpson and THAT picture now when I see the 2012 logo. The football prices arn't as bad as I had envisaged.. but then again they are under 23 teams + 3.
  11. Surprised you got Royle to be honest.. in his book he has a rant about fan driven media (admittedly it was fanzines and websites)
  12. Agloe, New York - http://en.wikipedia....Agloe,_New_York
  13. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2010/magazine/10/12/agent/index.html
  14. Clattered with a team mate apparently - who plays for Liverpool
  15. It's hit and miss, it's a decent service but the questions are usually leading and straightforward - you won't get much insight into events that you couldn't normally guess the answer to. Questions are similar to: It must have been a great feeling scoring that goal? The Everton fans are great arn't they? It's not too late to improve on our league position is it? With you being based in Salisbury it probably is worth it but less so if you're based in Merseyside as the local radio stations play most of the content throughout the week anyway. It's funny as sometimes the radio presenters voice is put in place of the guy asking questions on EvertonTV. First team match highlights are up to 60minutes I think. You get 5 minute reserve highlights too, no under 18s or ladies' games. Some people have been complaining about the quality of the video after a recent upgrade - I don't know if that's been resolved.
  16. "Every footballer wants to reach the top and I'm already 27-years-old. So this could be the right moment [to leave Everton]" Looks like he's off.
  17. Baines is a red.. there's an interview he did before he signed for Everton saying how he bought his new baby an LFC bib (or shirt can't remember). So was Osman and apparently Hibbert too:
  18. Some reports linking Baines with a move to Bayern Munich.. http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=&q=baines+bayern&sourceid=navclient-ff&rlz=1B3GGLL_en-GBGB394GB394&ie=UTF-8#q=baines+bayern&hl=en&rlz=1B3GGLL_en-GBGB394GB394&tbs=nws:1,sbd:1&prmd=ivn&source=lnt&sa=X&ei=0BG1TMngIIjKswaJw8mzCA&ved=0CBYQpwU&fp=91b31e24def1300a
  19. Just upload to rapidshare.com or somewhere
  20. Everton's Scott McLeod says Goodison Park download is "on the radar" for FIFA 11
  21. He'd be an awesome character in a Doom game
  22. Apparently Amr Zaki "punches" a sorcerer after having potion thrown over him - starts 30 seconds in The punch is at 47seconds blink and you'll miss it.
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